The Government of Canada, the office of the Premier and all others involved in British Columbia in this situation have an idiom for 3's only more insulting mocking one's injuries having No Compassion, No Respect, No Honor for one's life, body and rights. It is disregard for human life, her life.
It is mocking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a Believer, a born again Christian, a Canadian. You can transport a lot of nails in boxes cubed to filling a 45 foot steel shipping container! The Blog with photographs may be viewed and has some writings of facts and particulars.
The letters below are in response to Carol Ann reaching out to the Government of Canada for assistance, help, intervening on her behalf. All involved have refused prior and after, all have refused to process her claim breaching oaths, policies pertaining to her Accident Benefits Tort A and Part 7. The content of the letters have no leadership, no compassion, no respect, no honor for her human rights and they are just passing the buck leaving her to suffer and pay for her needs herself and do without when accident benefits are there for a reason. Justin Trudeau's brother is also his personal advisor paid by taxpayer's.
It is Insurance Fraud, an ICBC pedestrian claim with many people involved who have discriminated Carol Ann knowing of her situation, status: a dismissed claim breaching The Insurance Act when Accident Benefits apply to all who are injured including those at fault and Carol Ann is innocent. She is also a born again Christian since 1977, Canadian, white, divorced, a woman, straight, disabled etcetera and meets the criteria having a valid claim number, filings within the limitation periods of both ICBC and The Supreme Court of British Columbia. All have discriminated and violated her rights which is also injustice, racism, criminal breaching; The Insurance Act, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom; Infringement of Rights, Anti-Trust and disregard for human life, her life.
It is Vicarious liability of the employer and the Government of Canada to which all have accountability, responsibility, liability to oaths, policies, legislations, etc. In breaching oaths, policies, acts, etcetera they have jeopardized their own personal assets and financial affairs facing legal consequences and damages because it has been done with all intent purpose to maliciously injure Carol Ann by challenging, mocking, ignoring, neglecting, humiliating and leaving her to suffer to death. Both may even appear as equally negligent but the employees have acted beyond negligence and the Prime Minister is also negligent. It 's a mess and bullying. Justin Trudeau PM is not suitable in leadership, at all and voting needs dissolved permanently. One is hired by credentials, experience and ability, willingness not voted. It is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm and torture. Is it not also premeditated to willingly, refusing to stating, "NO", etcetera. When her death occurs, it is Murder.
She was told in 2004 approximately, "We're making an example out of you, etcetera." Is that because she was and is still divorced? Is it because of what her net worth was? Is it because ISIS is employed at ICBC? ICBC secured monies, her monies owed to her and she provided documentation as proof of her wage loss. It is the documentation that supports ICBC taking action, collecting monies not word of mouth although, hearsay is permissible in a Court Trial(s). Regardless, documentation especially financial documentation supports action to one collecting, receiving.
Wage Loss is Part 7 of Tort A, Accident Benefits, Tort B is one's settlement based on liability percentage and the dead client will never see that although, it does belong to the clients estate not ICBC or the government. ICBC obtains one's monies, acquired with the intent of allotting to others and that, is another area of insubordination, misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds to embezzlement all of which is Insurance Fraud. They are not a collection agency number one and secondly, one's wage loss in this situation belongs to Carol Ann.
Carol Ann received a long phone call in 2007-08 and many things were discussed including this person wanting his share, he was an ICBC employee. An ICBC female employee another time asked, "Can't the church help you?" while another female employee laughed in the background. Is that why ICBC dismissed the claim over her financial status?
As to so many in government being overpaid, receiving high wages in good faith to do their job properly, and are not, is that what people's wages and assets are for paying out lawsuits?
The worst have been women although, many are men. It is definitely, no longer a man's world but a gentlemen's world and women's world not, all females qualify.
No longer, is it questionable if ISIS is employed at ICBC to Justin Trudeau's recent comment on a video tweet on Twitter and he states, "Your scaring Canadians." Carol Ann tweeted the video and it's on her page to view: Plan to deal with returning ISIS fighters sparks fiery exchange between Scheer PM in an explosive shouting match in the House of Commons Tuesday, Conservative Leader Andrew Sheer accused the Liberal government on going easy. Justin Trudeau obviously, has favored many people many who should not be favored and he does not fear ISIS for reasons maybe, personal reasons.
Justin Trudeau's mother has been divorced twice while Carol Ann has been married once and divorced and has not nor does she live a promiscuous lifestyle. Maybe, divorce is not on the top of the list with discriminating someone compared to religion, gender, age, financial status, etcetera with ICBC and the government until it osculates makes a vicious circle and is on the top of the list again with those who have been against her? It just osculates hatred, cruelty, jealousy, brutal, heartless, aggressive behaviour. Fraud is Fraud and there are many hands, many thieves passing the buck with being irresponsible to neglecting doing wrong.
Her numerous injuries include sexual injuries; head, facial, chest wall, breasts, chest wall trauma etcetera and their insubordination, misconduct, negligence falls into the area of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, egregious conduct, criminal negligence, misrepresentation, misappropriation of funds, embezzlement, insurance fraud. It is criminal: criminal negligence with undue care and attention, criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, aggravated assault, aggravated sexual assault etcetera to damages balanced like Aggravated Damages and so on. The list is long in legal and criminal damages for good reason. There have been many things said and written by executives and employees of ICBC and it is sexual misconduct, assault to criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm.
In the event of her death, all need to be charged with murder and deal with the legal consequences regardless of status, gender, religion, age, title and/or position and so on like character references.They have abused their power of authority to do what is right. Carol Ann has been a law abiding citizen who paid all of her taxes in good faith including those who have passed on like her Dad, grandfather and others and other Canadians to their family lines have done the same. That is Infringement of Rights of one's tax money including monies paid by those deceased. It should be reimbursed with prime rate interest back to Canadians vs compensating the Aboriginals aka Native Indians over and over. Our taxes were not paid for purposes of lawsuits due to insubordination, sexual misconduct, etcetera compensating those suing the government over and over after they already received settlements including land settlements.
There has been poor leadership, poor financial leadership attached to poor leadership in Canada to visits in Rome and elsewhere misrepresentation of funds, mismanagement of funds, misappropriation of funds, fraud to not representing Canada properly. Those in the Vatican are aware of this accident, the Pope and others have been praying personally, for Carol Ann. Canadian's monies have been spent foolishly and recklessly, and many are sloppy and careless which is criminal negligence and falls also into Fraud. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister had no problem finding the time to intervene for Omar Khadr and the gay movement which has gone overboard with his participation in their parades to anything else.
The people of Canada, real Canadians have not been a priority with Justin Trudeau.
It is wrong for ICBC rates to escalate especially, with the inside criminal operations existing and being permitted. You are NOT ALLOWED to dismiss chest wall injuries, chest wall trauma and ICBC physicians and employees to their Steps of Fairness at ICBC know the polices, act, guidelines as do the Premier's and others employed in Government who are involved like Justin Trudeau including lawyers. Carol Ann has needs and was advised,"spend your limit(s) on your credit card(s) and claim bankruptcy," "CLAIM BANKRUPTCY," but she was raised with strong values and principles including ownership to taking responsibility being a leader and she is not putting that expense, burden on taxpayer's to what it would do to her credibility especially, in a Court Trial. She does excel in Finance and does quite well, in Law.
Did you know that The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia aka ICBC invested over $100 million dollars of monies paid by policy holders in a shopping mall in Surrey, BC that went belly-up, bankrupt at the expense of those paying for insurance coverage in good faith. How many claims were dismissed, how many reduced in benefits and settlements? Pedestrians, cyclists and passengers are covered under one's policy: the policy holder's insurance papers and licence plates.
All the years, that Carol Ann has been reaching out to people including those in law and supposedly, with authority and power to do what is right like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others, all have refused and denied her compassion, representation, intervening properly, respect, honor of her benefits and rights. They also have breached oaths medical and legal including the Insurance Act.
There are many claims, issues, situations of others that were respected, dealt with accordingly, and many that were not dealt properly, to being compensated which outraged Canadians in the news like Omar Khadr. Some to many issues were NOT properly handled period and financially for years like Carol Ann's Pedestrian Accident which has PRIORITY.
How do you give back all the years to someone, you can't. The Pedestrian Accident happened on January 20, 2001 years suffering, losses of enjoyment of life, etcetera and it is criminal.
The skating rink $5 Million that is being erected outside the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario has upset many Canadians and reflects poor leadership, poor financial leadership. It does represent bad Karma against those involved against her and that is in the hands of God and the Law. Many people believe in both God and Karma, that is personal choice.
Federal Government
of Canada
Department of
Finance, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Taken up to God, 1977
still holds true to this day, 2018
it's in God's Hands
Re: ICBC, Provincial and
Federal Government of
Canada those involved, it's bad brutal spiritual karma
dismissed claim known to Office of the PM Justin Trudeau, neglected to neglecting The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, breached The Insurance Act
He refuses to intervene but helps Omar Khadr and others, to their situations?
It's not just FRAUD, Extortion. It is the Criminal Code of Canada A-Y, including betrayal, TREASON
ICBC and others are corrupt, evil, deceptive, betrayed
still holds true to this day, 2018
it's in God's Hands
Re: ICBC, Provincial and
Federal Government of
Canada those involved, it's bad brutal spiritual karma
dismissed claim known to Office of the PM Justin Trudeau, neglected to neglecting The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, breached The Insurance Act
He refuses to intervene but helps Omar Khadr and others, to their situations?
It's not just FRAUD, Extortion. It is the Criminal Code of Canada A-Y, including betrayal, TREASON
ICBC and others are corrupt, evil, deceptive, betrayed
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Office of the
Minister of Finance
Office of the
Minister of Finance
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