Pedestrian Accident
happened at night
January 20, 2001
Insured Equipment with ICBC
Parked Improperly
they are 100% negligent but ICBC is 100% intentional negligent with intent to cause bodily harm dismissing and lawyers refusing to help, represent me.
happened at night
January 20, 2001
Insured Equipment with ICBC
Parked Improperly
they are 100% negligent but ICBC is 100% intentional negligent with intent to cause bodily harm dismissing and lawyers refusing to help, represent me.
UPDATE December 8, 2019: Edited December 9, 2019 10:54pm
The surgeon who I recently saw stated, " They would have to put tubes in me and after the tubes are removed I could be in more pain," (then I have been all these years since the accident on January 20, 2001.
Gel bleeding is very painful, unbearable and may be compared to being on an IV drip with a chemical solution that burns and causes more pain in the breast area. It is a horrible pain, gel bleeding and can last for days at a time. Doesn't look like I will be going into surgery as hoped, there is no surgery being done by this surgeon or others from past consultations. I go through lots of breast, chest wall, facial and head injury pain. When I am not gel bleeding I am forced to suffer with pain; breast, chest wall, facial, teeth and head pain to other things compounded due to their negligence's, fraud etc.
Due to many people involved not doing their jobs properly, refusing to process my claim it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, etc. They have left me to suffer a slow death. I have needed the best cosmetic surgeons, etc. Of the people who could help in many ways, they also have had NO compassion or kindness, etc.
I am dying slowly. You cannot be in your own world even with your own family and have no compassion or kindness, etc for others, myself included.
This accident was not work related nor did I need this pedestrian accident to happen for any reason. I have been through enough in my life. In fact, I had and have enough to write about without this injury although, it is what it is now. It is part of REVEALING THE VEILS.
My wage was proven to ICBC (Part 7 Wage Loss) and ICBC later, dismissed my insurance claim. If the sidewalk had been made safe by the company who received the freight of a shipping container not parked properly, by blocking off the sidewalk with barricades, security, lights and renting fencing like construction sites do the accident would not have happened. God and those in Spirit are angry and will deal with all, Karma is something people understand. The truck driver is responsible for how one drives and parks vehicles, as are we all. I also drove limousine professional professional class 4 licence.
Numerous Injuries and compounded injuries due to those leaving me to suffer, left untreated from a valid Insurance Claim which was intentionally, Dismissed. I paid insurance in good faith as have all others, of all years especially since I moved to BC in 1977. The injustices have affected me every day, also my family. In the event, of my death those involved are to be charged and all their assets are to be seized. They were paid wages in good faith and those wages need to be paid back to the taxpayer's purse not those who call themselves leader's, not their wallets from BC to Ottawa.
(Fraud of ICBC, Criminal Negligence with undue care and attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to cause Bodily Harm)
My injuries worsened due to their negligence. It's one thing for a driver to drive or park negligently, and most accidents incidentally, are accidents but of all others involved it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, they don't care. God does and there will be brutal, bad spiritual Karma against all involved.
Dismissed by ICBC Unsupported, Dismissed by corrupt, evil employees, North Vancouver, BC and leaders in government in BC to the Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario
They stole my accident benefits (which is also income to those who could have provided treatments, services and products)
They stole my Wage Loss (they dismissed my claim after I proved income which was a Supreme Court document supported by Judges)
They stole my settlements
Of all, of the above they also stole income to lawyers had any lawyers supported, helped me
THE DISCIPLINARY MEASURE FOR THE DEATH PENALTY IS, " CRUCIFIXION." women and men included who are accountable, responsible and liable for the intentional criminal negligence's from undue care and attention, intentional negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, suffering is torture, pre-mediated murder.
Date of pedestrian accident January 20, 2001 - the insurance claim was dismissed following proof of my wage loss, part 7 of Accident benefits.
The surgeon who I recently saw stated, " They would have to put tubes in me and after the tubes are removed I could be in more pain," (then I have been all these years since the accident on January 20, 2001.
Gel bleeding is very painful, unbearable and may be compared to being on an IV drip with a chemical solution that burns and causes more pain in the breast area. It is a horrible pain, gel bleeding and can last for days at a time. Doesn't look like I will be going into surgery as hoped, there is no surgery being done by this surgeon or others from past consultations. I go through lots of breast, chest wall, facial and head injury pain. When I am not gel bleeding I am forced to suffer with pain; breast, chest wall, facial, teeth and head pain to other things compounded due to their negligence's, fraud etc.
Due to many people involved not doing their jobs properly, refusing to process my claim it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, etc. They have left me to suffer a slow death. I have needed the best cosmetic surgeons, etc. Of the people who could help in many ways, they also have had NO compassion or kindness, etc.
I am dying slowly. You cannot be in your own world even with your own family and have no compassion or kindness, etc for others, myself included.
This accident was not work related nor did I need this pedestrian accident to happen for any reason. I have been through enough in my life. In fact, I had and have enough to write about without this injury although, it is what it is now. It is part of REVEALING THE VEILS.
My wage was proven to ICBC (Part 7 Wage Loss) and ICBC later, dismissed my insurance claim. If the sidewalk had been made safe by the company who received the freight of a shipping container not parked properly, by blocking off the sidewalk with barricades, security, lights and renting fencing like construction sites do the accident would not have happened. God and those in Spirit are angry and will deal with all, Karma is something people understand. The truck driver is responsible for how one drives and parks vehicles, as are we all. I also drove limousine professional professional class 4 licence.
Numerous Injuries and compounded injuries due to those leaving me to suffer, left untreated from a valid Insurance Claim which was intentionally, Dismissed. I paid insurance in good faith as have all others, of all years especially since I moved to BC in 1977. The injustices have affected me every day, also my family. In the event, of my death those involved are to be charged and all their assets are to be seized. They were paid wages in good faith and those wages need to be paid back to the taxpayer's purse not those who call themselves leader's, not their wallets from BC to Ottawa.
(Fraud of ICBC, Criminal Negligence with undue care and attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to cause Bodily Harm)
My injuries worsened due to their negligence. It's one thing for a driver to drive or park negligently, and most accidents incidentally, are accidents but of all others involved it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, they don't care. God does and there will be brutal, bad spiritual Karma against all involved.
Dismissed by ICBC Unsupported, Dismissed by corrupt, evil employees, North Vancouver, BC and leaders in government in BC to the Canadian Government, Ottawa, Ontario
They stole my accident benefits (which is also income to those who could have provided treatments, services and products)
They stole my Wage Loss (they dismissed my claim after I proved income which was a Supreme Court document supported by Judges)
They stole my settlements
Of all, of the above they also stole income to lawyers had any lawyers supported, helped me
THE DISCIPLINARY MEASURE FOR THE DEATH PENALTY IS, " CRUCIFIXION." women and men included who are accountable, responsible and liable for the intentional criminal negligence's from undue care and attention, intentional negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, suffering is torture, pre-mediated murder.
Date of pedestrian accident January 20, 2001 - the insurance claim was dismissed following proof of my wage loss, part 7 of Accident benefits.
Numerous Injuries, Untreated
Closed Head Injury, Facial Trauma, Head Injuries, Crushed Nasal Cartilage, Fractured Teeth including Front Teeth, Chest Wall Trauma, Chest Wall Injuries, Breast Injury, Breast Trauma, Rib Deformity, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis in Spine, Neck, Ribs, etc. Chronic Stress, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Sleeping Disorders, Depression, etc.
It is unethical, malpractice, BAD FAITH of ICBC their lawyers, physicians and employees, other lawyers in general contacted and/or seen of all years, refusing representation and to be left to suffer, struggle and be challenged. It is unethical, inhuman, unprofessional, criminal to not help someone, to dismiss Accident Benefits, one's valid Claim and let one suffer to their death. There will be severe, brutal, bad Karma and Judgements by God, Spirit. Carol Ann does NOT qualify for Euthanasia nor would that resolve things. It is Breach of The Insurance Act, Acts, Policies, etc and The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, Infringement of Rights, Anti Trust Issues and Disregard for Human Life.
ABORTION is based on a doctor's signature that it is for the best interest of the mother for her physical and emotional, well being. Are insurance claims dismissed and/or reduced for those same reasons behind closed doors, the ICBC doctors, lawyers and government employees including Premier's, a Prime Minister etc?
Based on their poor decisions, choices and criminal allegations (criminal code A-Y) ABORTION is to be abolished in Canada based on my insurance claim dismissed by all those involved to even knowing and not doing what is right.
There is a blood moon on January 20, 2019. The accident happened on January 20, 2001 - present it has been 18 years, suffering which is the entire criminal code book of Canada.
Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm is Torture to leave me suffering. It is also Premeditated murder and in the event of my death it is Murder.
$112,000.00 PLUS $190.00 for dental ex-rays maybe, consultation included
I have no dental, extended medical plans. For years, I did had coverage's for years to the court divorce order and it was taken away from me by my ex-husband, his girlfriend to Teamster's supporting them. I am the mother of our children. I was covered for years to Teamster's discriminating, threatening me in writing to a list of lawyers against me that, should I try to use the benefits I will be charged with fraud.
Good karma, be compassionate and kind to one another through and after a divorce. What party is more divorced than the other? The woman or the man. Especially, in the eyes of family of either side what is the divorced women to anyone especially, when she (I) wasn't the problem? I was good to people. Jesus said, "If you are without sin be the first to cast a s tone." He also had a huge stone in his hand when he said those words to the best of my recall.
If you have a divorced person in your family or someone who has been injured, has disability be kind and compassionate to them and their children for they are the parent to their children and sometimes, the grandparent if there's grandchildren. The formula does not change, do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. If one divorces are their children still related and family or is everyone broken apart and no longer family on one side or the other, either side?
Divorce is also not reason enough to discriminate, purge, bully, withhold compassion and kindness or violate, infringe one's rights.
What is the purpose for others to connect to business associates, fans, strangers or friends to having new friendships, acquaintances if one is judged and/or hated because they are or were divorced?
Women have been the worse towards me but the percentage of men involved could be 50%. Are women or men more compassionate? Or is it personal preference?
ICBC and others involved are the problem, not me.
I am asking, needing you're support to have a movie exposing the truth, REVEALING THE VEILS copyrights 2014. I am available to negotiate for a movie, producing the movie, directing is part of my healing, it needs to be done right. It's for the Glory of God.
Founder of Together for Justice, support group, created 2018 Facebook.
Email me at tieabowtogetherfor[email protected]. Thank you.
ICBC dismissed the claim with many reasons for judgements and they breached the Insurance Act infringed rights. They also stated," it was too much work to investigate." Yet, they had time to create an umbrella contest which is also fraud, false advertising and their contests started 2002 and currently, still in effect.
Both parties have ICBC Insurance, valid plates on their insured equipment parked improperly and are 1005 negligent as well, as those involved in Government. The sidewalk is a pedestrians right of way, always. It is Violating a pedestrian's right of way and is dangerous, Criminal Negligence causing injury. ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE aka RCMP, Coquitlam Jurisdiction Attended and issued a parking ticket because it was improperly, parked and ordered by police direction to have the equipment moved. Police Officer's direction was ignored.
OOCL - Overseas Orient Container Lines and others
45 ft Steel Shipping Container
secured on American Cartage Agencies Ltd and others, Trailer and Hitch.
The Pedestrian Accident happened at night, it was dark, cold, raining and visibility was poor on January 20, 2001. It was not to be seen, there was no warning, no lights, no security, no barricade, no fencing, etc. Nothing to protect any pedestrian from injury or death.
ICBC is guilty of Fraud, Criminal Negligence with Intent to cause bodily harm to the Criminal Code of Canada, A-Y whatever is applicable.
There were no pylons, barricades, flashing lights, fencing, security etc. NOTHING to protect a pedestrian of any age. Construction companies protect themselves and pedestrians with fence rentals. I would NOT have signed the Bill of Lading, paperwork or received the freight but someone did. This is also a WorkSafe, Worker's Compensation, WCB Issue. A fence should have been rented, caution tape used to barricades on site of this area blocked off from public use. They took no measures of safety for anyone to RCMP Coquitlam Jurisdiction attending.
Picture taken 1996-1997
Pedestrian Accident, January 20, 2001
Now they had access to my wages, income
In CANADA when an accident happens resulting in numerous injuries or injury to one's death a picture is posted to the nearest location where the accident happened. Many people pay respect, reverence with flowers, cards, stuffed toys, candles of their loved ones and many times, it is compassion of those within the community or nearby, like the downtown core of Toronto, Ontario etc
It's bad enough, life is tough enough without anyone being intentionally negligent and they all are in this case ICBC employees and other government employees involved. Most people do not intent to intentionally, deliberately cause an accident but in this case all involved are intentionally, negligent at ICBC etc.
ICBC and all others involved in government employment are basically, murders especially in the event of my timely, death.
Pedestrian Accident, January 20, 2001
Now they had access to my wages, income
In CANADA when an accident happens resulting in numerous injuries or injury to one's death a picture is posted to the nearest location where the accident happened. Many people pay respect, reverence with flowers, cards, stuffed toys, candles of their loved ones and many times, it is compassion of those within the community or nearby, like the downtown core of Toronto, Ontario etc
It's bad enough, life is tough enough without anyone being intentionally negligent and they all are in this case ICBC employees and other government employees involved. Most people do not intent to intentionally, deliberately cause an accident but in this case all involved are intentionally, negligent at ICBC etc.
ICBC and all others involved in government employment are basically, murders especially in the event of my timely, death.
May 8, 2018
December 9, 2017
September 28, November 14, 2017
To date, the valid dismissed claim with a claim number K_____ has not been processed and most likely, will never be processed or represented due to corruption, insurance fraud and those involved who have been and are intentionally negligent having no compassion, no respect to breaching acts, oaths, policies that are in place for a reason. They have refused to intervene and/or process the accident benefits covered under Accident Benefits, The Insurance Act including those in Ottawa.
All expenses for rehabilitation to date have been paid by Carol Ann and painting everyday is encouraged, advised by her physician and others. She has not been able to have any treatments for physiotherapy, massage, counselling and rehabilitation to whatever else due to lack of finances and the years of expenses paid should never have been at her expense. At one time, she was able to pay for some dental work, root canals and she has no dental, no extended medical benefits for needs since the accident. Her dental needs alone have been set aside like a windshield waiting to be replaced and rehabilitation as expensive as it is, is cheaper then monthly installments with interest. Her teeth were fractured as a result of the accident including her front teeth which is one's windshield (facial trauma). A recent dental quote for dental implants was for over 20,000.00, $200.00 a month for 10 years like a car payment or insurance premiums for some people? That didn't happen and so, next option was to suffer and keep doing the antibiotics. Devastating! More pictures follow below. That dental quote is now over 100,000.00.
Carol Ann has written and verbal documentation against those involved at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia aka ICBC and others with sexual misconduct, libel and slander, defamation of her character. That has been disclosed to The Supreme Court of British Columbia when she filed within the limitation periods.
The pictures above of the accident resulting from the insured equipment not parked properly, is that the criteria one has to meet and also endure suffering to a slow death meeting the criteria to be; respected, have one's right's enforced, rights accepted, to be a physician or a lawyer, to be employed in government and/or be in government leadership or the film industry because nobody is anybody without others? Imagine a country with no people? Imagine having a part; role, lead role or stunt performance opportunity and having to go through what Carol Ann has in order to qualify or meet criteria of the read for the part? Imagine a vehicle without a key, fuel and parts like the steering wheel, wheels, engine, damaged, it goes nowhere and is designated, " a right off " like a person? A vehicle or stuff including money has no destiny, no value, no status, no stature but when one dies there is eternal life; with more justice, judgements, good karma separate from bad karma against those who are in the wrong who have done wrong when everything was and is a test, a choice. There is always some good maybe, a lot of good like good karma that comes through a bad situation even bad karma against others will have some good for God blesses even the evil not just His people, children. That is food for thought!
She was accused by some government employees in the Family Maintenance Program aka FMEP in writing many years ago of being, "focused" when actually, she is direct and has interest with directing so that, things are done right not overlooked.
The photo above was taken by the same photographer in the late 90's of a different picture she sent to others and it was taken long before, a few years prior to the accident on January 20, 2001 and she was confident to self promoting. She had no idea what was going to happen and trusted. Only a picture, resume for the film industry and moving forward and up, Double Day Publishers, NY a different picture with poetry writings for a book to be dedicated to her children motivated by her daughter who said some years prior, "I didn't know you could write." She left no forwarding address and did not get in touch with anyone, with the studios or at Double Day due to circumstances, situations.
Recently, Carol Ann disclosed some of her injuries to a neighbour who responded, "You should be dead." It is customary in BC when a person dies from injuries to the location of the accident that one's photo is posted on the nearest pole or building remembering, respecting the loss of whomever suffered from injuries and died with candles, flowers dropped off by loved ones and people who support and care. More people than not, have photographs sometimes an item like a painting(s) they did displayed at
their funeral, memorial for others to view one's "celebration of life."
It is bad faith and criminal
Nothing says "empowerment" like zero self-respect and/or disrespect for others. When people refuse to help and do what is morally right and intervene God, The Spirit Family always can and will. It is called, "Divine Intervention." How Strong are You? Then there is Karma, Bad Karma that people have to deal with of the Spirit against them.
God, Spirit, The Spirit Family, The Spirit Army, The Universe Is Angry!
Romans 12:9
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
For those who believe in Karma, there is good and bad Karma in life and sometimes, all mixed up like blessings, consequences and curses.
Public Interest:
Accident ("No Fault") Benefits: Part 7 Regardless, of who is at fault in an accident, ICBC pays benefits for injury to occupants of the insured's vehicle and to pedestrians and cyclists injured by that vehicle.
The Accident Benefits commonly, known as " No Fault " benefits, are payable to an insured in respect of death or injury caused by an accident arising out of the owner's ownership, use or operation of a vehicle in Canada or the USA; or a vehicle travelling between Canada and the USA Reg 79(1)
It was stationary, shipping container on trailer but it was not parked, properly. A parking ticket was issued. It was by RCMP Police order, direction to have it moved and it wasn't. It was also, obstructing, overhanging, overextending my right of way, the pedestrians right of way, a public walkway, sidewalk.
Major responsibilities of the premier and provincial cabinet include:
•developing and implementing policies and priorities for the province
•preparing legislation to be introduced in the legislative assembly
•submission of government spending to the legislative assembly for approval
•ensuring provincial laws and policies are carried out (The Insurance Act, Medicare Act, Human Rights Act, Criminal Code of Canada, etc)
It is professional malpractice, medical malpractice, legal malpractice and negligence of ICBC, BC Premier Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others involved. Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits. In the event of her death, charges of Murder need to be included for the RCMP Police and Supreme Court.
Accident ("No Fault") Benefits: Part 7 Regardless, of who is at fault in an accident, ICBC pays benefits for injury to occupants of the insured's vehicle and to pedestrians and cyclists injured by that vehicle.
The Accident Benefits commonly, known as " No Fault " benefits, are payable to an insured in respect of death or injury caused by an accident arising out of the owner's ownership, use or operation of a vehicle in Canada or the USA; or a vehicle travelling between Canada and the USA Reg 79(1)
It was stationary, shipping container on trailer but it was not parked, properly. A parking ticket was issued. It was by RCMP Police order, direction to have it moved and it wasn't. It was also, obstructing, overhanging, overextending Carol Ann's right of way, the pedestrians right of way, a public walkway, sidewalk.
Accident Benefits:
For those who have accidents claims with ICBC Legal is a benefit covered under Accident Benefits which also includes contingency representation. The percentage amount or fees need to be billed with an invoice to ICBC by the Lawyer and/or the Law Firm. If the Lawyer and his or her client goes to Trial, The Courts need to be provided, advised with proper documentation outlining separately, Legal Fees to be absorbed by ICBC, Damages plus Court Order Interest Rates (COI). Court Order Interest Rates is Prime Rate compounded every 6 months from the date the damages (the accident) occurred to the date of judgement (the day you settle). In the end, the Lawyer and client still get paid, compensated but through the Courts like the client through ICBC. Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7, Tort B and COI belongs to those who are injured NOT the Lawyer or Law Firm representing the person, NOT ICBC employees, doctors, lawyers or others involved committing MISREPRESENTATION OF FUNDS, FRAUD, etc.
If ICBC fails to do what is right and dismisses other claims like mine, one is still entitled to Legal Representation outside of dealing with ICBC, and go to Trial In The Supreme Court before The Honourable Judges. When a Lawyer refuses to assist, it is documented.
Not all one's needs are covered under one's medical card therefore, ICBC should not expect, force people to pay for what they can and do without services, treatments, medications, rehab, etc of what they cannot pay for. People pay insurance in good faith so that, when people are injured the Accident Benefits are there to assist the injured. Nor should ICBC and those involved force people to suffer, suffer to their death. What if it was their child, sibling, parent, etc of any age? No one will be exempt of God's judgement on this.
24 HOURS PAPER, April 18, 2017 NEWS Page 5 / Bill Tieleman, News, Views and Attitudes states: " B.C. Liberals are dedicated to establishing a new era of health care in B.C...We are going to put people's needs at the centre of health care again." B.C. Liberal Party platform, 2001. That is a, " BARE FACED LIBERAL LIE, LIARS, THEY LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH." Carol Ann is still in need of her Accident Benefits and they are intentionally, ignorant and negligent having her suffer to ...her death. Of those who think Carol Ann is okay it is because they neglect, refuse to process the claim, intervene and help her. She is NOT doing well, at all. A couple of years ago, a specialist wanted Carol Ann to have a blood transfusion but that only buys time maybe, and is not the answer to having things resolved, properly. It does not resolve all things including all of her health issues, needs to accident benefit needs. Carol Ann is not interested, concerned with buying more time in her life. She is now awaiting surgery. Having closure in one's life is something all people need or want, do they not?
Cover one's needs and expenses. The claim was assigned a claim number K____ and within months dismissed by ICBC breaching the Insurance Act, The Medicare Act to Infringement of Rights, etc. ICBC has been known to dismiss and reduce claims breaching The Insurance Act, Medicare Act and Infringing One's Rights but under NO CONDITIONS is one allowed to dismiss a claim when someone has chest wall trauma, chest wall injuries. There are responsible with Communication, Decision making, Fundamental, General Responsibilities, Oaths and they have responsibility to themselves to protect their profession and others.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.One of the oldest binding documents in history, the Oath written by Hippocrates is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on. Although most do not swear to the original Hippocratic Oath, the majority of doctors do take an oath – often when they graduate from medical school. Despite early disinterest, physician oaths began to come into vogue after World War II. The word of God states: "I will have no false gods before me" and God is the Physician of all Physicians, He is also Lawgiver, a gentleman etc. Of those involved they are all responsible, accountable and liable. It is professional malpractice and negligence even BC Premier Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others involved. Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits.
Professional Malpractice Though the most common type of professional malpractice involves carelessness or negligence by medical personnel, other professionals, from attorneys to accountants to architects, pharmacists and dentists, are also held to a higher standard of care, and may be sued for failing to meet the expected degree of attention.
Medical Malpractice refers to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient. ... The error may have been because nothing was done (an act of omission), or a negligent act.
Legal Malpractice is the term for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or breach of contract by an attorney that causes harm to his or her client. A breach of the duty to provide skillful and competent representation (negligence), causation, and a financial loss.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life ( is only one Damage ) Loss of enjoyment of life, sometimes known as hedonic damages, refers to the detrimental alterations of a person's life or lifestyle or a person's inability to participate in the activities or pleasures of life that were formerly enjoyed. Also known as “general damages”, non-pecuniary damages include losses such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. When a person is injured, he or she can't enjoy life the way it was before the accident. There are other damages.
False Advertising: While by no means the only Canadian legislation regulating advertising, the federal Competition Act is one of the main statutes. It contains criminal and civil sections that prohibit false or misleading representations and deceptive marketing practices. Anyone who advertises or promotes. If it misrepresents the type, description, abilities, evidence, basis of commodity, services, professional services or business activity.
It is also False Advertising of ICBC and Lawyers; Accident Benefits who is covered and the Benefits, Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B and Law Firms, Lawyers involved. Many law firms, lawyers advertise they represent personal injury, accident victims, ICBC claims. It is bad faith.
Carol Ann spoke to the Security Officer of BC Premier Christy Clark's office. He said, " She wants to know what three things can she do for you?" Carol Ann responded, " ICBC, BC Human Rights and FMEP." The Security Officer responded back to Carol Ann, " She said, NO." All failed to do what was and is morally, ethically right. ICBC dismissed her claim which was a breach of The Insurance Act, Human Rights Act, Medicare Act, Infringement of Rights and it is intentional criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, fraud, etc and in bad faith to The Insurance Council of British Columbia. Premiums are paid in good faith, ICBC dismissing a claim, exaggerating and making false statements etc is Fraud.
All Expenses have been at Carol Ann's Expense including Rehabilitation which is costly, and of what does NOT get provided, serviced, paid is a loss to her needs, rights and enjoyment of life like a scooter, studio, treatments, housekeeping, medications, dental, etc. Carol Ann paints reproductions with her Trademark Registered Signature, TIEABOW and has reproduced some of her own signed THIBODEAU. All paintings reinforce her connection to those in Spirit, the Spirit Family. Would ICBC, The Liberal Party, Government and others have done to all Master Artists what they have done to Carol Ann? It is Spiritual Warfare.
She is 100% innocent, the other party was 100% negligent. ICBC is 100% accountable, responsible and liable to process properly the accident claim and that percentage shifts like the scales of justice to other parties involved refusing to intervene. There is negligence with ICBC, previous BC Premier Gordon Campbell replaced by Christy Clark and leaders in Ottawa, Prime Minister Jean Chretien replaced by Stephen Harper replaced by Justin Trudeau aware of this and injustices. A Writ of Seizure through the Supreme Court permits seizing all of their financial assets to legal damages for them failing to do what is right and under vicarious liability it is not taxpayer's monies it is the Liberal Party. All their wages were paid in good faith by taxpayers through the Government and need to be paid back regardless, what they purchased. The claim still needs to be processed properly, and immediately. It was BAD FAITH and The Insurance Council of British Columbia, BC Premier and Prime Minister of Canada to others are fully aware, it is BAD FAITH. The Premier has responsibilities as well, as the Prime Minister.
Recently, I had an appointment on January 11, 2017 2:30 pm with Law Firm in Vancouver, BC. The Privacy Act along with other Acts were breached and it was Unconscionable and Deceptive. It is Vicarious Liability or employer, Infringement of Rights and Criminal Code of Canada A-Y.
On January 20, 2001 Carol Ann was involved in a Pedestrian Accident that happened in Coquitlam, BC at night, visibility was poor, it was dark and raining, It was not to be seen. She was hit by a 45foot Steel Shipping Container that was negligently, parked and left improperly parked, overhanging, overextending a public walkway, sidewalk her right of ways and others. The Coquitlam RCMP attended and a parking ticket was issued. The equipment was insured and the numerous injuries were caused by an accident, this accident arising out of the owner's ownership. The owner's American Cartage Agencies Ltd and others, OOCL and others had valid insurance on their equipment. The use of operation of a vehicle was American Cartage Agencies Ltd and others delivering the freight to a customer JYSK and someone signed receiving the goods. People have insurance for a reason, liability and ICBC accepts premiums paid by taxpayers in good faith. Government employees including adjusters and The Insurance Council are all aware of what is good faith and bad faith. It was bad faith of ICBC. All people are to follow guidelines and policies, acts and legislations to Christy Clark and others. The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry has stated it is a Breach of The Insurance Act to everyone understanding that, clearly. Where there is liability and wrong there is loss in great measures.
Carol Ann filed the accident claim with ICBC and The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry within their limitation periods. She was forced to file with The Supreme Court because no lawyers would represent her which has upset people. It has been very favourable since filing with the Courts. From the date of injury January 20, 2001 to seeking legal representation she has been told by lawyers, "it's too late, it's too much work, No and the list goes on!" One lawyer stated to her in front of many witnesses, " I need to know if you are willing to go to trial? " She responded, " Yes. " His response, " I won't represent you." She looked at him devastated and heartbroken. There have been year of tears and suffering, to date April 09, 2017. Later, she tore his business card and preserved it in a baggie for the Courts along with everyone else's business cards to the Courts liking and of what pleases the Courts.
ICBC stated another lie to their exaggerated lies in writing. ICBC penalizes others for lying, exagerrated lies and charges those people with Fraud. It is FRAUD, Misappropriation of Funds, Criminal Negligence with Undue Care and Attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm, Torture, etc since the date they dismissed, stopped processing to ignoring Carol Ann's appeals, requests to have the assigned Claim K____ from 2001 processed, properly. She is in need of ...her Accident Benefits and waiting for surgery. The equipment was fully insured and premiums were paid in good faith to ICBC.The ownership of the equipment belongs to American Cartage Agencies Limited and others aka Sea Van Enterprises and others, Orient Overseas Container Line aka OOCL and others to the best of her knowledge. It was NOT PARKED, PROPERLY. It was BAD FAITH of ICBC, The Insurance Council of British Columbia, The Liberal Party and Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, The Government of Canada, others involved. You DO NOT leave anyone to suffer to their death or withhold their rights, benefits. ICBC really hit below the belt stating the Pedestrian Accident happened on April 21, that is her mother's birthday! Carol Ann's mother was 86 years old yesterday, April 21. ICBC sure makes it personal when they are negligent. How would you like your family or friend, child, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother or wife, etc. picked on; an injury resulting with numerous injuries and compounded, complicated injuries, bullied? It's a personal relationship with the Spirit. Carol Ann recalls her Dad (deceased) stating, " stay out of it Carol Ann, it's none of your business." Even the Lord says, " Venegance is His." It's going to be BRUTAL. Many people and their children, grandchildren, family and friends will have NO FAVOR with Spirit, with God or their loved ones who have passed on. ICBC, The Liberal Party, Government and others involved have loved ones who have passed on who cannot intervene. Spirit has all Power and Authority. It's a Judgement thing, Personal with The Spirit Family, Spirit, The Lord, God, The Universe. It is also Spiritual Warfare. Her Dad (deceased) and others have a relationship with Spirit, God. Her mother was his wife and the mother to his children mainly, Carol Ann in this case. The pedestrian accident happened on January 20, 2001 NOT April 21. ICBC also stated, " it happened in Vancouver " while another person stated, " it happened on the premises of American Cartage in Langley." It happened in Coquitlam. To date, April 22, 2017 the claim was and has not been processed.
As of December 16, 2015- 2016 as she best recalls asking publically for someone to please intervene through Facebook, Twitter. It may be laziness, sloppiness to a lawyer not to help but to the RCMP and Crown it is Criminal Negligence, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm, Torture, Fraud, etc to The Criminal Code Book of Canada A-Y not to mention lack of confidence to whatever else. It is unethical and wrong to withhold one's rights to withhold justice and compassion. ICBC employees including their lawyers, doctors and ICBC Steps of Fairness is NOT The Supreme Court of Canada. It is vicarious liability of employer being ICBC to The Government of Canada (ICBC employees involved) and it is Medical Malpractice and Legal Malpractice. Carol Ann has numerous injuries and her rights to Accident Benefits was dismissed by employees, doctors, lawyers of ICBC and Steps of Fairness to Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau now involved. Carol Ann's numerous injuries are: Closed Head Injury, Facial Trauma and Injuries, Crushed Nasal Cartilage, Fractured Teeth, Facial Trauma, Chest Wall Trauma, Chest Wall Injuries, Breast Trauma, Breast Injury, Rib Deformity including Internal Bleeding, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis in her Spine, Neck and Chest, Chronic Stress, Pain and Fatigue, Sleeping Disorders, Low Immune System, etc.
In 2001, Carol Ann had an appointment with one of the top surgeons in BC who she knew and his cliental included people from all over the world. The appointment went well, a consultation and he was willing to do surgery. He sent his billing to ICBC the paperwork was returned in writing/stating: DO NOT PAY, INVOICE. He has since retired and she is now high risk in surgery as a result of their poor judgement, infringement of rights, injustice, etc leaving Carol Ann to suffer.
Carol Ann has been seeking legal representation and open to out of province representation through an EX JURIS APPLICATION to the Courts. It would be easier on her to have representation in The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry, Vancouver, BC.
A Lawyer cannot do as they wish. They must represent people like a doctor to healthcare, medicare appointments and walk in's. They are NOT ALLOWED to refuse anyone. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BE JUDGE OR JURY OR REFUSE TO HELP SOMEONE WITH INJURY, REASONABLE GROUNDS OR CAUSE. Lawyers cannot pick and choose who they want to help or the cases they will represent when they advertise, represent and/or specialize in whatever areas. It is False Advertising, Legal Malpractice, Infringement of Rights, Vicarious Liability, an Unconscionable, Deceptive Act, Criminal. Criminal Negligence with Undue Care and Attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm. That said, it is the hardest charge for a police officer to present to Crown accepting, allowing the charge to be processed. Most people do not intentionally, want to hurt anyone that's why they are called Accidents. However, terminology has changed over the years and in 2001 the RCMP call Accidents, Incidents now. Incidentally, it was with all intent and purpose for ICBC and others to dismiss to accumulate a higher percentage of achievement bonuses.
That is Fraud and ICBC has lied, exaggerated to dismissing her claim with all intent purpose especially, criminal negligence to cause bodily harm. ICBC has brought fraud charges against parties who lie in their claims and the media has printed some of those incidents to ICBC being compensated for those damages.
People can do anything they want however, there are consequences in this life and especially, severe and brutal consequences, curses administered by God of one's life path in this world and the life beyond. There is no age discrimination. Call it fate, call it destiny call it, " Wake Up" to many, others "You will have justice in this world." God is not finished with everyone. Eventually, everyone will die in life and that, is a process that is processed properly, by decisions and judgements of God. Anyone who clearly interferes with one's enjoyment in life, their right to a life in this world will be judged. It's everyone's world. When one dies, one goes to heaven for final judgment which can be in process or priority placement Not everyone stays in heaven to belonging to the Family of God. It's a process, a spiritual journey and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Not everyone will be reunited with their loved one's forever.
ICBC CLAIM K____ was assigned in 2001 but was not processed, properly
like the pics in Gallery Room 25, Equipment (injuries arising out of the owner's ownership)
Equipment was NOT parked, properly
ICBC Dismissed approximately, 2002
breaching The Insurance Act, Medicare Protection Act, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits, her claim needs to be processed properly, immediately and still requires Legal Representation which will be Expedited into the Courts. Her Surgeon has gone over other surgeon's heads and is willing to operate, they are waiting. She had an appointment with her respirologist and handed him many pics of the injury, accident he immediately got up, had his assistant copy them and stated, " to put them in her file." I told him, "I was hit at night as a pedestrian by a Shipping Container. The Shipping Container was on a flatdeck that has a hitch. I was hit by the equipment. He said," It's more like assault."
Although, Carol Ann is high risk for surgery since the Pedestrian Accident of January 20, 2001 some things can no longer be avoided. A life, her life overrules other surgeons decisions and she is thankful to now have a surgeon as of December 15th, 2016 who is confident and willing to operate going over every surgeon's decision not to. Presently, they are awaiting confirmation dates for 2017.
Carol Ann has gone Public appealing for Legal Representation on the pedestrian accident. For years, she has tried to secure Representation to the best of her ability and appealed more than once to ICBC, Steps of Fairness which is ICBC's judicial area. It is NOT Supreme Court. Her poor health and isolation created difficulty trying to obtain a lawyer(s) and to date April 9, 2017 she has no legal representation. Pictures of the Accident are posted in Gallery Room 25. Pictures were taken the following day instructed by the Coquitlam RCMP and she was told, " document everything." Legal documents were filed and accepted within the two year limitation period in 2003 and Judges are still waiting for legal representation, a trial. She can no longer drive a vehicle and she also drove Limousines. Since the accident, unable to work having disability there is Loss of Enjoyment of Life, many losses including Financial losses. She has proved herself in many ways especially, and painting reproductions represents not only deceased artists to Loss of Earnings, Loss of Potential Earnings it represents would all these people involved do to them what they have intentionally and willingly done to me. Nobody has been holding a gun to their head forcing them to dismiss the claim to other's refusing to intervene and do what is morally, ethically and politically incorrect. In moving forward when people pass on into the Spirit world it's going to be Brutal for many.
Many of her aspirations for writing and other things in general, require an assistance. She is also in need of support with daily things, benefits outlined in Accident Benefits. To this day, April 9, 2017 Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits and is high risk in surgery. Seven years, after the accident she was able to make a pin cushion created with two pieces of fabric. It is a blessing she is not dead, yet. She started to paint more in 2007-2008 and God is definitely, not finished with her.
ICBC stated that Carol Ann went to Ontario for surgery but that is not true. Carol Ann is high risk in surgery and has been refused surgery numerous times. Many physicians have been very compassionate and given her good advice, support but under the circumstances, numerous injuries including the trauma they are not qualified nor do they have the expertise to requiring a specialist. ICBC has lied and twisted things to so much Fraud, unfairness at ICBC. She recalls, her deceased Dad stating, "They lie through their teeth, bare faced liars." ICBC has made slanderous remarks, defamed Carol Ann's character in writing to a post it note from one executive to another. The many lawyers she has seen, communicated with are in trouble and she has not disposed of their business cards. Carol Ann has favor since date of filing In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry! The New Limitations Act in 2013 does not apply or affect her need for legal representation of this accident having Favor in the Courts.
The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia aka ICBC breached The Insurance Act dismissing Accident Benefits Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B of a pedestrian accident that happened on January 20, 2001. The accident happened at night. To this day, with numerous injuries she is still in need of her Accident Benefits. In 2003 - 2012, several times she collapsed and experienced paralysis from the neck down unable to move. By the grace, of God she was able to move again. She tried using a wheelchair but it was not suitable equipment for mobility as a result from the chest wall trauma, chest wall injury, numerous injuries. She was in a scooter off and on over the years and no longer has a scooter. Painting has helped a lot with her rehabilitation. Carol Ann is positive, hopeful and still trusts Spirit, that God will bring good through all things. She is aware of her chronic pain levels, valleys of depression, fibromyalgia, PTSD etcetera and has been making every effort trying to rebuild her life managing day to day to the best of her ability. It is inhuman, unethical to let anyone suffer, inflict suffering with all intent, cause disabilities to compounding disability and to force someone to suffer to their death. It is wrong to refuse someone legal representation especially, when ICBC has lawyers and they dismissed my claim to numerous injuries. Their reasons for judgement conflict with God and the Court. The media has exploited BC Premier Christy Clark to ICBC raising insurance rates which is not reasonable, founded and provable to support the increases due to injustices, breach of the Insurance Act. ICBC also wants people to settle with them rather then seeking legal representation when they are not fair and yet, rates have increased which is not stability and of sound judgement. In fact, it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm to the Criminal Code of Canada A-Y to other Acts, Policies, Legislations breached including Human Rights.
Carol Ann went to ICBC in North Vancouver asking, appealing that her claim be processed as she needed her Accident Benefits. She was told, " I'll have to think about it." and now a second person is before her an employee (male). Carol Ann provided a paper a Writ of Summons to the manager (female) of ICBC who accepted and handed the paper to the other employee (male) to photocopy. They gave Carol Ann back her document. The manager employee of ICBC reading the reverse side now tells Carol Ann, "You're fighting it." Seems to me, they fought it with their lawyers and secured some profits for themselves which is FRAUD. The productive achievement bonuses breaching The Insurance Act to dismissing her claim for Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7, Settlement Tort B. Carol Ann has advised BC Coroner's of this accident. FRAUD is stealing.
Money is a test in life, when we die we cannot take it with us. Our characters are tested also as to whether or not, we are a people of integrity. God has been so good to have blessed people with so many things even good jobs, incomes and benefits so, what is the benefit in stealing another man's income, benefits and settlements? Sorry, is not good enough. God forgives and forgets for a reason but it doesn't mean he doesn't deal with all things. God's decisions and judgments are administered in good faith and He forgives all people so that, He can move forward in life after his decisions and judgements have been processed and they always are, properly processed! Another way to understand in layman's language is, " You want to move forward." Carol Ann recalls her Dad (deceased) stating, " never mind what they are doing stay away from that crowd, one is as bad as the other," in layman's language to prophesy "Jesus said, " follow me and let the spiritually dead bury their own dead." Her Dad was one to state, " leave it with me I'll deal with it, Carol Ann." People for centuries have had issues with the government and lawyers to the Courts and to this day, The Supreme Courts still have hearings and trials, problems and liabilities.
ICBC breached The Insurance Act with all intent purposes for productive achievement bonuses. They are just not content with the bonuses they have been receiving and yet, of those bonuses received how many more claims were to being in processed to be dismissed also? It was noted in the paper ICBC made a $232 million profit. The Steps of Fairness is the judicial court of ICBC NOT The Supreme Court and their response to processing the claim was, " NO." There was no positive influence from anyone intervening within ICBC, Government Employees or Prime Ministers. Carol Ann spoke to the Security Officer of BC Premier Christy Clark's office. He said, " She wants to know what three things can she do for you?" Carol Ann responded, " ICBC, BC Human Rights and FMEP." The Security Officer responded back to Carol Ann, " She said, NO." All failed to do what was and is morally, ethically right. Canada lacks positive, strong leadership and with compassion. They all have infringed her right's and others when in 1977, Human Rights Legislation was established. The Liberal Party in Canada is Terrorism and of what percentage is of interest to the Courts and people. The Courts can weigh the scales on that and judge, harshly in all fairness, the Injustice and Infringement of Rights. ISIS is Terrorism. How does a Terrorist support themselves to employment titles, job functions especially, in government positions to residing in communities? What parent, sibling, etc? There are many people and many people in government who refuse to budge, " Are they STUBBORN," as her deceased Dad would say and Carol Ann did not question. They are no different then Terrorists, they are Terrorists to Bullies you can sugar coat them but they are not so sweet or nice and have betrayed Canadians and received monies in Bad Faith from people in Good Faith; financial supporters through donations, voters and taxpayers. Our youth is being also being deceived and betrayed. Our government needs to seriously, "HOUSE CLEAN" and dismiss many employees and many of those employees need to be charged especially, Murder in the event of my death. No parole. The Death Penalty in Canada perhaps needs to be reinstated so that, there is order and freedom. God is capable of intervening as well, as the Spirit Family and my Dad is deceased but alive in Spirit. How would you feel as a parent, especially a Father or Mother, Sibling, etc?
Achievement Bonuses, monies obtained by an evil and/or dishonest means, as in Dismissing one's claim, accident benefits, Tort A, Part 7, Tort B and government employees including political leaders involved is Fraud, criminal and enjoying their ill-gotten gains.
Based on Rights and Freedom of Beliefs (Faith/Religion) God promises to pay back double to " You will have Justice."
Hebrews 10:30 God is a just God and He will repay the exact compensation owed you. He will settle and solve the cases of His People
Isaiah 61:7 Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.
I know God has all power, authority and ability to wipe out whatever percentage of mankind He decides to passing judgement regardless, of one's age and all "At the drop of a hat," as my deceased Dad would say. My mom stated years ago, " Everyone is going to be crying in the end." Not ever one will make it. Eternity beyond this life will be even more brutal and sorry does not overrule His Decisions, His Judgements to those next, who's next to those waiting however, long in the Spirit world ( Heaven). The path to hell has many good intentions, thank God there are Judgement(s).
Some brief facts and particulars: Johnson & Johnson Inc. and others - Approved Writ of Summons for $232 Million USD plus COI (1998)(Statement of Claim/Facts and Particulars) No Bankruptcy Protection, Lump Sum Payment, No Structured Payments posted on Carol Ann's Facebook Timeline, Public. She invented the Antibiotic Bandage and an Arthritis Medication Drug (formula) to being named Remicade which Johnson & Johnson Inc. and others received to developing, manufacturing, marketing,distributing and used her (advertising) words also in their advertisement on products. It was also Infringement of Rights, Plagiarism. On January 9, 2001 In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry the TRIAL went in favour for Carol Ann. On January 20, 2001 the Pedestrian Accident happened in Coquitlam, BC and was filed within time limitations with both ICBC and The Supreme Court. Not sure what the problem is with lawyers refusing to represent her with all their excuses to negligence perhaps, it is FEAR?
If you are a resident or visitor to British Columbia " you have rights and are covered " under The Insurance Act especially, as a Pedestrian with ICBC.
There is importance to a Court Trial and Carol Ann is comfortable having a Jury to the largest Court Room in Vancouver which she has already seen. She would hate to see anyone have to go through what she, and what she still goes through. She will never be the same. How do you give someone back all the years? You can't even with the price of maximum damages plus so, Carol Ann has spent time in prayer and spiritual guidance with God. It is for His Glory NOT mankind's Glory. She was raised with strong principles and values therefore, as a part of her healing to what nobody can give back (years) she has a list of political changes needing approved by legislation, immediately for the Glory of God and for the best interests of all Canadians not some politician's pocketbook or ego. Carol Ann excels in Finance, Insight, Wisdom and Knowledge to restructuring programs and forms. She has the ability to respect others and job share high profile and low positions just like the stock market works. She is NOT incompetent with finances to one lawyer who wanted to handle her finances. ICBC and others are aware and know it is BAD FAITH, breaching the Insurance Act, Criminal to dismissing the claim but refuse to intervene to process the claim, properly. They do not care. Carol Ann recalls her deceased Dad stating, " Is, that so? Are they going to suffer and suffer but good." Maybe, God, the Spirit Family doesn't care what they all go through including family and friends to His judgements which are everyday. Carol Ann has lived in BC since 1977, paid insurance premiums in good faith to ICBC as well, as her family in good faith to other Canadians and Americans. Sometimes, payments were paid one year in advance vs monthly payments to her knowledge and she has a clean abstract. Understanding, how dirty ICBC can be and God does have a mean side. He can administer Judgement and be unemotional. Carol Ann's recommendation and advise is for one to put God first. Always do what is right and give it your best. Put everything into His hands when there's problems and hopefully, God can intervene through people properly doing what is right. There is a saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." One needs to secure professional, competent lawyer(s) who are not intimidated by ICBC and/or The Supreme Court Judges. ICBC is not fair nor do their lawyers compensate people to the damages that lawyers are suppose to be all knowing of and receive for their clients.
Everyone is entitled to Damages and COI which is Court Order Interest at prime rate compounded daily from the date the injuries occurred to the date of judgement. It is unfortunate, how many people will not get a second chance. They will be liable and accountable especially, on the other side in Heaven where Final Judgement(s) are dealt with, once and for all. Of those involved it is Fraud and Injustice, Breach of The Insurance Act, etc dismissing the claim and it has caused more suffering and complications with her health. Eventually, it will be the root cause of her death one day.
Art collectors, serious art collectors at that, like to know the facts and particulars to the history of an artist and their art. It is for those reasons she has disclosed some of the Legal, Political facts and particulars. Numerous artists have been an inspiration for her to paint and she is needing a studio, etc. There were artist(s) who lived through times of injustice, battles, wars some more than others; Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Paul Nash, Amedeo Modigliani, Marsden Hartley, Howard Hodgkin and others. Is that what separates the artwork of an artist from others making their art valuable after their death? One cannot solely, rely on one's talent or ability.
Deuteronomy 27:19 Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from....
Isaiah 10:2 To deprive the poor of their rights....
Romans 12:9 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
The Hand of the Lord gives and receives as do the Lords, the Court that giveth and taketh
December 9, 2017
September 28, November 14, 2017
To date, the valid dismissed claim with a claim number K_____ has not been processed and most likely, will never be processed or represented due to corruption, insurance fraud and those involved who have been and are intentionally negligent having no compassion, no respect to breaching acts, oaths, policies that are in place for a reason. They have refused to intervene and/or process the accident benefits covered under Accident Benefits, The Insurance Act including those in Ottawa.
All expenses for rehabilitation to date have been paid by Carol Ann and painting everyday is encouraged, advised by her physician and others. She has not been able to have any treatments for physiotherapy, massage, counselling and rehabilitation to whatever else due to lack of finances and the years of expenses paid should never have been at her expense. At one time, she was able to pay for some dental work, root canals and she has no dental, no extended medical benefits for needs since the accident. Her dental needs alone have been set aside like a windshield waiting to be replaced and rehabilitation as expensive as it is, is cheaper then monthly installments with interest. Her teeth were fractured as a result of the accident including her front teeth which is one's windshield (facial trauma). A recent dental quote for dental implants was for over 20,000.00, $200.00 a month for 10 years like a car payment or insurance premiums for some people? That didn't happen and so, next option was to suffer and keep doing the antibiotics. Devastating! More pictures follow below. That dental quote is now over 100,000.00.
Carol Ann has written and verbal documentation against those involved at the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia aka ICBC and others with sexual misconduct, libel and slander, defamation of her character. That has been disclosed to The Supreme Court of British Columbia when she filed within the limitation periods.
The pictures above of the accident resulting from the insured equipment not parked properly, is that the criteria one has to meet and also endure suffering to a slow death meeting the criteria to be; respected, have one's right's enforced, rights accepted, to be a physician or a lawyer, to be employed in government and/or be in government leadership or the film industry because nobody is anybody without others? Imagine a country with no people? Imagine having a part; role, lead role or stunt performance opportunity and having to go through what Carol Ann has in order to qualify or meet criteria of the read for the part? Imagine a vehicle without a key, fuel and parts like the steering wheel, wheels, engine, damaged, it goes nowhere and is designated, " a right off " like a person? A vehicle or stuff including money has no destiny, no value, no status, no stature but when one dies there is eternal life; with more justice, judgements, good karma separate from bad karma against those who are in the wrong who have done wrong when everything was and is a test, a choice. There is always some good maybe, a lot of good like good karma that comes through a bad situation even bad karma against others will have some good for God blesses even the evil not just His people, children. That is food for thought!
She was accused by some government employees in the Family Maintenance Program aka FMEP in writing many years ago of being, "focused" when actually, she is direct and has interest with directing so that, things are done right not overlooked.
The photo above was taken by the same photographer in the late 90's of a different picture she sent to others and it was taken long before, a few years prior to the accident on January 20, 2001 and she was confident to self promoting. She had no idea what was going to happen and trusted. Only a picture, resume for the film industry and moving forward and up, Double Day Publishers, NY a different picture with poetry writings for a book to be dedicated to her children motivated by her daughter who said some years prior, "I didn't know you could write." She left no forwarding address and did not get in touch with anyone, with the studios or at Double Day due to circumstances, situations.
Recently, Carol Ann disclosed some of her injuries to a neighbour who responded, "You should be dead." It is customary in BC when a person dies from injuries to the location of the accident that one's photo is posted on the nearest pole or building remembering, respecting the loss of whomever suffered from injuries and died with candles, flowers dropped off by loved ones and people who support and care. More people than not, have photographs sometimes an item like a painting(s) they did displayed at
their funeral, memorial for others to view one's "celebration of life."
It is bad faith and criminal
Nothing says "empowerment" like zero self-respect and/or disrespect for others. When people refuse to help and do what is morally right and intervene God, The Spirit Family always can and will. It is called, "Divine Intervention." How Strong are You? Then there is Karma, Bad Karma that people have to deal with of the Spirit against them.
God, Spirit, The Spirit Family, The Spirit Army, The Universe Is Angry!
Romans 12:9
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
For those who believe in Karma, there is good and bad Karma in life and sometimes, all mixed up like blessings, consequences and curses.
Public Interest:
Accident ("No Fault") Benefits: Part 7 Regardless, of who is at fault in an accident, ICBC pays benefits for injury to occupants of the insured's vehicle and to pedestrians and cyclists injured by that vehicle.
The Accident Benefits commonly, known as " No Fault " benefits, are payable to an insured in respect of death or injury caused by an accident arising out of the owner's ownership, use or operation of a vehicle in Canada or the USA; or a vehicle travelling between Canada and the USA Reg 79(1)
It was stationary, shipping container on trailer but it was not parked, properly. A parking ticket was issued. It was by RCMP Police order, direction to have it moved and it wasn't. It was also, obstructing, overhanging, overextending my right of way, the pedestrians right of way, a public walkway, sidewalk.
Major responsibilities of the premier and provincial cabinet include:
•developing and implementing policies and priorities for the province
•preparing legislation to be introduced in the legislative assembly
•submission of government spending to the legislative assembly for approval
•ensuring provincial laws and policies are carried out (The Insurance Act, Medicare Act, Human Rights Act, Criminal Code of Canada, etc)
It is professional malpractice, medical malpractice, legal malpractice and negligence of ICBC, BC Premier Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others involved. Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits. In the event of her death, charges of Murder need to be included for the RCMP Police and Supreme Court.
Accident ("No Fault") Benefits: Part 7 Regardless, of who is at fault in an accident, ICBC pays benefits for injury to occupants of the insured's vehicle and to pedestrians and cyclists injured by that vehicle.
The Accident Benefits commonly, known as " No Fault " benefits, are payable to an insured in respect of death or injury caused by an accident arising out of the owner's ownership, use or operation of a vehicle in Canada or the USA; or a vehicle travelling between Canada and the USA Reg 79(1)
It was stationary, shipping container on trailer but it was not parked, properly. A parking ticket was issued. It was by RCMP Police order, direction to have it moved and it wasn't. It was also, obstructing, overhanging, overextending Carol Ann's right of way, the pedestrians right of way, a public walkway, sidewalk.
Accident Benefits:
For those who have accidents claims with ICBC Legal is a benefit covered under Accident Benefits which also includes contingency representation. The percentage amount or fees need to be billed with an invoice to ICBC by the Lawyer and/or the Law Firm. If the Lawyer and his or her client goes to Trial, The Courts need to be provided, advised with proper documentation outlining separately, Legal Fees to be absorbed by ICBC, Damages plus Court Order Interest Rates (COI). Court Order Interest Rates is Prime Rate compounded every 6 months from the date the damages (the accident) occurred to the date of judgement (the day you settle). In the end, the Lawyer and client still get paid, compensated but through the Courts like the client through ICBC. Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7, Tort B and COI belongs to those who are injured NOT the Lawyer or Law Firm representing the person, NOT ICBC employees, doctors, lawyers or others involved committing MISREPRESENTATION OF FUNDS, FRAUD, etc.
If ICBC fails to do what is right and dismisses other claims like mine, one is still entitled to Legal Representation outside of dealing with ICBC, and go to Trial In The Supreme Court before The Honourable Judges. When a Lawyer refuses to assist, it is documented.
Not all one's needs are covered under one's medical card therefore, ICBC should not expect, force people to pay for what they can and do without services, treatments, medications, rehab, etc of what they cannot pay for. People pay insurance in good faith so that, when people are injured the Accident Benefits are there to assist the injured. Nor should ICBC and those involved force people to suffer, suffer to their death. What if it was their child, sibling, parent, etc of any age? No one will be exempt of God's judgement on this.
24 HOURS PAPER, April 18, 2017 NEWS Page 5 / Bill Tieleman, News, Views and Attitudes states: " B.C. Liberals are dedicated to establishing a new era of health care in B.C...We are going to put people's needs at the centre of health care again." B.C. Liberal Party platform, 2001. That is a, " BARE FACED LIBERAL LIE, LIARS, THEY LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH." Carol Ann is still in need of her Accident Benefits and they are intentionally, ignorant and negligent having her suffer to ...her death. Of those who think Carol Ann is okay it is because they neglect, refuse to process the claim, intervene and help her. She is NOT doing well, at all. A couple of years ago, a specialist wanted Carol Ann to have a blood transfusion but that only buys time maybe, and is not the answer to having things resolved, properly. It does not resolve all things including all of her health issues, needs to accident benefit needs. Carol Ann is not interested, concerned with buying more time in her life. She is now awaiting surgery. Having closure in one's life is something all people need or want, do they not?
Cover one's needs and expenses. The claim was assigned a claim number K____ and within months dismissed by ICBC breaching the Insurance Act, The Medicare Act to Infringement of Rights, etc. ICBC has been known to dismiss and reduce claims breaching The Insurance Act, Medicare Act and Infringing One's Rights but under NO CONDITIONS is one allowed to dismiss a claim when someone has chest wall trauma, chest wall injuries. There are responsible with Communication, Decision making, Fundamental, General Responsibilities, Oaths and they have responsibility to themselves to protect their profession and others.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.One of the oldest binding documents in history, the Oath written by Hippocrates is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on. Although most do not swear to the original Hippocratic Oath, the majority of doctors do take an oath – often when they graduate from medical school. Despite early disinterest, physician oaths began to come into vogue after World War II. The word of God states: "I will have no false gods before me" and God is the Physician of all Physicians, He is also Lawgiver, a gentleman etc. Of those involved they are all responsible, accountable and liable. It is professional malpractice and negligence even BC Premier Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others involved. Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits.
Professional Malpractice Though the most common type of professional malpractice involves carelessness or negligence by medical personnel, other professionals, from attorneys to accountants to architects, pharmacists and dentists, are also held to a higher standard of care, and may be sued for failing to meet the expected degree of attention.
Medical Malpractice refers to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient. ... The error may have been because nothing was done (an act of omission), or a negligent act.
Legal Malpractice is the term for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, or breach of contract by an attorney that causes harm to his or her client. A breach of the duty to provide skillful and competent representation (negligence), causation, and a financial loss.
Loss of Enjoyment of Life ( is only one Damage ) Loss of enjoyment of life, sometimes known as hedonic damages, refers to the detrimental alterations of a person's life or lifestyle or a person's inability to participate in the activities or pleasures of life that were formerly enjoyed. Also known as “general damages”, non-pecuniary damages include losses such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. When a person is injured, he or she can't enjoy life the way it was before the accident. There are other damages.
False Advertising: While by no means the only Canadian legislation regulating advertising, the federal Competition Act is one of the main statutes. It contains criminal and civil sections that prohibit false or misleading representations and deceptive marketing practices. Anyone who advertises or promotes. If it misrepresents the type, description, abilities, evidence, basis of commodity, services, professional services or business activity.
It is also False Advertising of ICBC and Lawyers; Accident Benefits who is covered and the Benefits, Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B and Law Firms, Lawyers involved. Many law firms, lawyers advertise they represent personal injury, accident victims, ICBC claims. It is bad faith.
Carol Ann spoke to the Security Officer of BC Premier Christy Clark's office. He said, " She wants to know what three things can she do for you?" Carol Ann responded, " ICBC, BC Human Rights and FMEP." The Security Officer responded back to Carol Ann, " She said, NO." All failed to do what was and is morally, ethically right. ICBC dismissed her claim which was a breach of The Insurance Act, Human Rights Act, Medicare Act, Infringement of Rights and it is intentional criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm, fraud, etc and in bad faith to The Insurance Council of British Columbia. Premiums are paid in good faith, ICBC dismissing a claim, exaggerating and making false statements etc is Fraud.
All Expenses have been at Carol Ann's Expense including Rehabilitation which is costly, and of what does NOT get provided, serviced, paid is a loss to her needs, rights and enjoyment of life like a scooter, studio, treatments, housekeeping, medications, dental, etc. Carol Ann paints reproductions with her Trademark Registered Signature, TIEABOW and has reproduced some of her own signed THIBODEAU. All paintings reinforce her connection to those in Spirit, the Spirit Family. Would ICBC, The Liberal Party, Government and others have done to all Master Artists what they have done to Carol Ann? It is Spiritual Warfare.
She is 100% innocent, the other party was 100% negligent. ICBC is 100% accountable, responsible and liable to process properly the accident claim and that percentage shifts like the scales of justice to other parties involved refusing to intervene. There is negligence with ICBC, previous BC Premier Gordon Campbell replaced by Christy Clark and leaders in Ottawa, Prime Minister Jean Chretien replaced by Stephen Harper replaced by Justin Trudeau aware of this and injustices. A Writ of Seizure through the Supreme Court permits seizing all of their financial assets to legal damages for them failing to do what is right and under vicarious liability it is not taxpayer's monies it is the Liberal Party. All their wages were paid in good faith by taxpayers through the Government and need to be paid back regardless, what they purchased. The claim still needs to be processed properly, and immediately. It was BAD FAITH and The Insurance Council of British Columbia, BC Premier and Prime Minister of Canada to others are fully aware, it is BAD FAITH. The Premier has responsibilities as well, as the Prime Minister.
Recently, I had an appointment on January 11, 2017 2:30 pm with Law Firm in Vancouver, BC. The Privacy Act along with other Acts were breached and it was Unconscionable and Deceptive. It is Vicarious Liability or employer, Infringement of Rights and Criminal Code of Canada A-Y.
On January 20, 2001 Carol Ann was involved in a Pedestrian Accident that happened in Coquitlam, BC at night, visibility was poor, it was dark and raining, It was not to be seen. She was hit by a 45foot Steel Shipping Container that was negligently, parked and left improperly parked, overhanging, overextending a public walkway, sidewalk her right of ways and others. The Coquitlam RCMP attended and a parking ticket was issued. The equipment was insured and the numerous injuries were caused by an accident, this accident arising out of the owner's ownership. The owner's American Cartage Agencies Ltd and others, OOCL and others had valid insurance on their equipment. The use of operation of a vehicle was American Cartage Agencies Ltd and others delivering the freight to a customer JYSK and someone signed receiving the goods. People have insurance for a reason, liability and ICBC accepts premiums paid by taxpayers in good faith. Government employees including adjusters and The Insurance Council are all aware of what is good faith and bad faith. It was bad faith of ICBC. All people are to follow guidelines and policies, acts and legislations to Christy Clark and others. The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry has stated it is a Breach of The Insurance Act to everyone understanding that, clearly. Where there is liability and wrong there is loss in great measures.
Carol Ann filed the accident claim with ICBC and The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry within their limitation periods. She was forced to file with The Supreme Court because no lawyers would represent her which has upset people. It has been very favourable since filing with the Courts. From the date of injury January 20, 2001 to seeking legal representation she has been told by lawyers, "it's too late, it's too much work, No and the list goes on!" One lawyer stated to her in front of many witnesses, " I need to know if you are willing to go to trial? " She responded, " Yes. " His response, " I won't represent you." She looked at him devastated and heartbroken. There have been year of tears and suffering, to date April 09, 2017. Later, she tore his business card and preserved it in a baggie for the Courts along with everyone else's business cards to the Courts liking and of what pleases the Courts.
ICBC stated another lie to their exaggerated lies in writing. ICBC penalizes others for lying, exagerrated lies and charges those people with Fraud. It is FRAUD, Misappropriation of Funds, Criminal Negligence with Undue Care and Attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm, Torture, etc since the date they dismissed, stopped processing to ignoring Carol Ann's appeals, requests to have the assigned Claim K____ from 2001 processed, properly. She is in need of ...her Accident Benefits and waiting for surgery. The equipment was fully insured and premiums were paid in good faith to ICBC.The ownership of the equipment belongs to American Cartage Agencies Limited and others aka Sea Van Enterprises and others, Orient Overseas Container Line aka OOCL and others to the best of her knowledge. It was NOT PARKED, PROPERLY. It was BAD FAITH of ICBC, The Insurance Council of British Columbia, The Liberal Party and Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, The Government of Canada, others involved. You DO NOT leave anyone to suffer to their death or withhold their rights, benefits. ICBC really hit below the belt stating the Pedestrian Accident happened on April 21, that is her mother's birthday! Carol Ann's mother was 86 years old yesterday, April 21. ICBC sure makes it personal when they are negligent. How would you like your family or friend, child, sister, aunt, mother, grandmother or wife, etc. picked on; an injury resulting with numerous injuries and compounded, complicated injuries, bullied? It's a personal relationship with the Spirit. Carol Ann recalls her Dad (deceased) stating, " stay out of it Carol Ann, it's none of your business." Even the Lord says, " Venegance is His." It's going to be BRUTAL. Many people and their children, grandchildren, family and friends will have NO FAVOR with Spirit, with God or their loved ones who have passed on. ICBC, The Liberal Party, Government and others involved have loved ones who have passed on who cannot intervene. Spirit has all Power and Authority. It's a Judgement thing, Personal with The Spirit Family, Spirit, The Lord, God, The Universe. It is also Spiritual Warfare. Her Dad (deceased) and others have a relationship with Spirit, God. Her mother was his wife and the mother to his children mainly, Carol Ann in this case. The pedestrian accident happened on January 20, 2001 NOT April 21. ICBC also stated, " it happened in Vancouver " while another person stated, " it happened on the premises of American Cartage in Langley." It happened in Coquitlam. To date, April 22, 2017 the claim was and has not been processed.
As of December 16, 2015- 2016 as she best recalls asking publically for someone to please intervene through Facebook, Twitter. It may be laziness, sloppiness to a lawyer not to help but to the RCMP and Crown it is Criminal Negligence, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm, Torture, Fraud, etc to The Criminal Code Book of Canada A-Y not to mention lack of confidence to whatever else. It is unethical and wrong to withhold one's rights to withhold justice and compassion. ICBC employees including their lawyers, doctors and ICBC Steps of Fairness is NOT The Supreme Court of Canada. It is vicarious liability of employer being ICBC to The Government of Canada (ICBC employees involved) and it is Medical Malpractice and Legal Malpractice. Carol Ann has numerous injuries and her rights to Accident Benefits was dismissed by employees, doctors, lawyers of ICBC and Steps of Fairness to Christy Clark, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau now involved. Carol Ann's numerous injuries are: Closed Head Injury, Facial Trauma and Injuries, Crushed Nasal Cartilage, Fractured Teeth, Facial Trauma, Chest Wall Trauma, Chest Wall Injuries, Breast Trauma, Breast Injury, Rib Deformity including Internal Bleeding, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis in her Spine, Neck and Chest, Chronic Stress, Pain and Fatigue, Sleeping Disorders, Low Immune System, etc.
In 2001, Carol Ann had an appointment with one of the top surgeons in BC who she knew and his cliental included people from all over the world. The appointment went well, a consultation and he was willing to do surgery. He sent his billing to ICBC the paperwork was returned in writing/stating: DO NOT PAY, INVOICE. He has since retired and she is now high risk in surgery as a result of their poor judgement, infringement of rights, injustice, etc leaving Carol Ann to suffer.
Carol Ann has been seeking legal representation and open to out of province representation through an EX JURIS APPLICATION to the Courts. It would be easier on her to have representation in The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry, Vancouver, BC.
A Lawyer cannot do as they wish. They must represent people like a doctor to healthcare, medicare appointments and walk in's. They are NOT ALLOWED to refuse anyone. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BE JUDGE OR JURY OR REFUSE TO HELP SOMEONE WITH INJURY, REASONABLE GROUNDS OR CAUSE. Lawyers cannot pick and choose who they want to help or the cases they will represent when they advertise, represent and/or specialize in whatever areas. It is False Advertising, Legal Malpractice, Infringement of Rights, Vicarious Liability, an Unconscionable, Deceptive Act, Criminal. Criminal Negligence with Undue Care and Attention, Criminal Negligence with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm. That said, it is the hardest charge for a police officer to present to Crown accepting, allowing the charge to be processed. Most people do not intentionally, want to hurt anyone that's why they are called Accidents. However, terminology has changed over the years and in 2001 the RCMP call Accidents, Incidents now. Incidentally, it was with all intent and purpose for ICBC and others to dismiss to accumulate a higher percentage of achievement bonuses.
That is Fraud and ICBC has lied, exaggerated to dismissing her claim with all intent purpose especially, criminal negligence to cause bodily harm. ICBC has brought fraud charges against parties who lie in their claims and the media has printed some of those incidents to ICBC being compensated for those damages.
People can do anything they want however, there are consequences in this life and especially, severe and brutal consequences, curses administered by God of one's life path in this world and the life beyond. There is no age discrimination. Call it fate, call it destiny call it, " Wake Up" to many, others "You will have justice in this world." God is not finished with everyone. Eventually, everyone will die in life and that, is a process that is processed properly, by decisions and judgements of God. Anyone who clearly interferes with one's enjoyment in life, their right to a life in this world will be judged. It's everyone's world. When one dies, one goes to heaven for final judgment which can be in process or priority placement Not everyone stays in heaven to belonging to the Family of God. It's a process, a spiritual journey and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Not everyone will be reunited with their loved one's forever.
ICBC CLAIM K____ was assigned in 2001 but was not processed, properly
like the pics in Gallery Room 25, Equipment (injuries arising out of the owner's ownership)
Equipment was NOT parked, properly
ICBC Dismissed approximately, 2002
breaching The Insurance Act, Medicare Protection Act, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom
Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits, her claim needs to be processed properly, immediately and still requires Legal Representation which will be Expedited into the Courts. Her Surgeon has gone over other surgeon's heads and is willing to operate, they are waiting. She had an appointment with her respirologist and handed him many pics of the injury, accident he immediately got up, had his assistant copy them and stated, " to put them in her file." I told him, "I was hit at night as a pedestrian by a Shipping Container. The Shipping Container was on a flatdeck that has a hitch. I was hit by the equipment. He said," It's more like assault."
Although, Carol Ann is high risk for surgery since the Pedestrian Accident of January 20, 2001 some things can no longer be avoided. A life, her life overrules other surgeons decisions and she is thankful to now have a surgeon as of December 15th, 2016 who is confident and willing to operate going over every surgeon's decision not to. Presently, they are awaiting confirmation dates for 2017.
Carol Ann has gone Public appealing for Legal Representation on the pedestrian accident. For years, she has tried to secure Representation to the best of her ability and appealed more than once to ICBC, Steps of Fairness which is ICBC's judicial area. It is NOT Supreme Court. Her poor health and isolation created difficulty trying to obtain a lawyer(s) and to date April 9, 2017 she has no legal representation. Pictures of the Accident are posted in Gallery Room 25. Pictures were taken the following day instructed by the Coquitlam RCMP and she was told, " document everything." Legal documents were filed and accepted within the two year limitation period in 2003 and Judges are still waiting for legal representation, a trial. She can no longer drive a vehicle and she also drove Limousines. Since the accident, unable to work having disability there is Loss of Enjoyment of Life, many losses including Financial losses. She has proved herself in many ways especially, and painting reproductions represents not only deceased artists to Loss of Earnings, Loss of Potential Earnings it represents would all these people involved do to them what they have intentionally and willingly done to me. Nobody has been holding a gun to their head forcing them to dismiss the claim to other's refusing to intervene and do what is morally, ethically and politically incorrect. In moving forward when people pass on into the Spirit world it's going to be Brutal for many.
Many of her aspirations for writing and other things in general, require an assistance. She is also in need of support with daily things, benefits outlined in Accident Benefits. To this day, April 9, 2017 Carol Ann is in need of her Accident Benefits and is high risk in surgery. Seven years, after the accident she was able to make a pin cushion created with two pieces of fabric. It is a blessing she is not dead, yet. She started to paint more in 2007-2008 and God is definitely, not finished with her.
ICBC stated that Carol Ann went to Ontario for surgery but that is not true. Carol Ann is high risk in surgery and has been refused surgery numerous times. Many physicians have been very compassionate and given her good advice, support but under the circumstances, numerous injuries including the trauma they are not qualified nor do they have the expertise to requiring a specialist. ICBC has lied and twisted things to so much Fraud, unfairness at ICBC. She recalls, her deceased Dad stating, "They lie through their teeth, bare faced liars." ICBC has made slanderous remarks, defamed Carol Ann's character in writing to a post it note from one executive to another. The many lawyers she has seen, communicated with are in trouble and she has not disposed of their business cards. Carol Ann has favor since date of filing In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry! The New Limitations Act in 2013 does not apply or affect her need for legal representation of this accident having Favor in the Courts.
The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia aka ICBC breached The Insurance Act dismissing Accident Benefits Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B of a pedestrian accident that happened on January 20, 2001. The accident happened at night. To this day, with numerous injuries she is still in need of her Accident Benefits. In 2003 - 2012, several times she collapsed and experienced paralysis from the neck down unable to move. By the grace, of God she was able to move again. She tried using a wheelchair but it was not suitable equipment for mobility as a result from the chest wall trauma, chest wall injury, numerous injuries. She was in a scooter off and on over the years and no longer has a scooter. Painting has helped a lot with her rehabilitation. Carol Ann is positive, hopeful and still trusts Spirit, that God will bring good through all things. She is aware of her chronic pain levels, valleys of depression, fibromyalgia, PTSD etcetera and has been making every effort trying to rebuild her life managing day to day to the best of her ability. It is inhuman, unethical to let anyone suffer, inflict suffering with all intent, cause disabilities to compounding disability and to force someone to suffer to their death. It is wrong to refuse someone legal representation especially, when ICBC has lawyers and they dismissed my claim to numerous injuries. Their reasons for judgement conflict with God and the Court. The media has exploited BC Premier Christy Clark to ICBC raising insurance rates which is not reasonable, founded and provable to support the increases due to injustices, breach of the Insurance Act. ICBC also wants people to settle with them rather then seeking legal representation when they are not fair and yet, rates have increased which is not stability and of sound judgement. In fact, it is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm to the Criminal Code of Canada A-Y to other Acts, Policies, Legislations breached including Human Rights.
Carol Ann went to ICBC in North Vancouver asking, appealing that her claim be processed as she needed her Accident Benefits. She was told, " I'll have to think about it." and now a second person is before her an employee (male). Carol Ann provided a paper a Writ of Summons to the manager (female) of ICBC who accepted and handed the paper to the other employee (male) to photocopy. They gave Carol Ann back her document. The manager employee of ICBC reading the reverse side now tells Carol Ann, "You're fighting it." Seems to me, they fought it with their lawyers and secured some profits for themselves which is FRAUD. The productive achievement bonuses breaching The Insurance Act to dismissing her claim for Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7, Settlement Tort B. Carol Ann has advised BC Coroner's of this accident. FRAUD is stealing.
Money is a test in life, when we die we cannot take it with us. Our characters are tested also as to whether or not, we are a people of integrity. God has been so good to have blessed people with so many things even good jobs, incomes and benefits so, what is the benefit in stealing another man's income, benefits and settlements? Sorry, is not good enough. God forgives and forgets for a reason but it doesn't mean he doesn't deal with all things. God's decisions and judgments are administered in good faith and He forgives all people so that, He can move forward in life after his decisions and judgements have been processed and they always are, properly processed! Another way to understand in layman's language is, " You want to move forward." Carol Ann recalls her Dad (deceased) stating, " never mind what they are doing stay away from that crowd, one is as bad as the other," in layman's language to prophesy "Jesus said, " follow me and let the spiritually dead bury their own dead." Her Dad was one to state, " leave it with me I'll deal with it, Carol Ann." People for centuries have had issues with the government and lawyers to the Courts and to this day, The Supreme Courts still have hearings and trials, problems and liabilities.
ICBC breached The Insurance Act with all intent purposes for productive achievement bonuses. They are just not content with the bonuses they have been receiving and yet, of those bonuses received how many more claims were to being in processed to be dismissed also? It was noted in the paper ICBC made a $232 million profit. The Steps of Fairness is the judicial court of ICBC NOT The Supreme Court and their response to processing the claim was, " NO." There was no positive influence from anyone intervening within ICBC, Government Employees or Prime Ministers. Carol Ann spoke to the Security Officer of BC Premier Christy Clark's office. He said, " She wants to know what three things can she do for you?" Carol Ann responded, " ICBC, BC Human Rights and FMEP." The Security Officer responded back to Carol Ann, " She said, NO." All failed to do what was and is morally, ethically right. Canada lacks positive, strong leadership and with compassion. They all have infringed her right's and others when in 1977, Human Rights Legislation was established. The Liberal Party in Canada is Terrorism and of what percentage is of interest to the Courts and people. The Courts can weigh the scales on that and judge, harshly in all fairness, the Injustice and Infringement of Rights. ISIS is Terrorism. How does a Terrorist support themselves to employment titles, job functions especially, in government positions to residing in communities? What parent, sibling, etc? There are many people and many people in government who refuse to budge, " Are they STUBBORN," as her deceased Dad would say and Carol Ann did not question. They are no different then Terrorists, they are Terrorists to Bullies you can sugar coat them but they are not so sweet or nice and have betrayed Canadians and received monies in Bad Faith from people in Good Faith; financial supporters through donations, voters and taxpayers. Our youth is being also being deceived and betrayed. Our government needs to seriously, "HOUSE CLEAN" and dismiss many employees and many of those employees need to be charged especially, Murder in the event of my death. No parole. The Death Penalty in Canada perhaps needs to be reinstated so that, there is order and freedom. God is capable of intervening as well, as the Spirit Family and my Dad is deceased but alive in Spirit. How would you feel as a parent, especially a Father or Mother, Sibling, etc?
Achievement Bonuses, monies obtained by an evil and/or dishonest means, as in Dismissing one's claim, accident benefits, Tort A, Part 7, Tort B and government employees including political leaders involved is Fraud, criminal and enjoying their ill-gotten gains.
Based on Rights and Freedom of Beliefs (Faith/Religion) God promises to pay back double to " You will have Justice."
Hebrews 10:30 God is a just God and He will repay the exact compensation owed you. He will settle and solve the cases of His People
Isaiah 61:7 Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.
I know God has all power, authority and ability to wipe out whatever percentage of mankind He decides to passing judgement regardless, of one's age and all "At the drop of a hat," as my deceased Dad would say. My mom stated years ago, " Everyone is going to be crying in the end." Not ever one will make it. Eternity beyond this life will be even more brutal and sorry does not overrule His Decisions, His Judgements to those next, who's next to those waiting however, long in the Spirit world ( Heaven). The path to hell has many good intentions, thank God there are Judgement(s).
Some brief facts and particulars: Johnson & Johnson Inc. and others - Approved Writ of Summons for $232 Million USD plus COI (1998)(Statement of Claim/Facts and Particulars) No Bankruptcy Protection, Lump Sum Payment, No Structured Payments posted on Carol Ann's Facebook Timeline, Public. She invented the Antibiotic Bandage and an Arthritis Medication Drug (formula) to being named Remicade which Johnson & Johnson Inc. and others received to developing, manufacturing, marketing,distributing and used her (advertising) words also in their advertisement on products. It was also Infringement of Rights, Plagiarism. On January 9, 2001 In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry the TRIAL went in favour for Carol Ann. On January 20, 2001 the Pedestrian Accident happened in Coquitlam, BC and was filed within time limitations with both ICBC and The Supreme Court. Not sure what the problem is with lawyers refusing to represent her with all their excuses to negligence perhaps, it is FEAR?
If you are a resident or visitor to British Columbia " you have rights and are covered " under The Insurance Act especially, as a Pedestrian with ICBC.
There is importance to a Court Trial and Carol Ann is comfortable having a Jury to the largest Court Room in Vancouver which she has already seen. She would hate to see anyone have to go through what she, and what she still goes through. She will never be the same. How do you give someone back all the years? You can't even with the price of maximum damages plus so, Carol Ann has spent time in prayer and spiritual guidance with God. It is for His Glory NOT mankind's Glory. She was raised with strong principles and values therefore, as a part of her healing to what nobody can give back (years) she has a list of political changes needing approved by legislation, immediately for the Glory of God and for the best interests of all Canadians not some politician's pocketbook or ego. Carol Ann excels in Finance, Insight, Wisdom and Knowledge to restructuring programs and forms. She has the ability to respect others and job share high profile and low positions just like the stock market works. She is NOT incompetent with finances to one lawyer who wanted to handle her finances. ICBC and others are aware and know it is BAD FAITH, breaching the Insurance Act, Criminal to dismissing the claim but refuse to intervene to process the claim, properly. They do not care. Carol Ann recalls her deceased Dad stating, " Is, that so? Are they going to suffer and suffer but good." Maybe, God, the Spirit Family doesn't care what they all go through including family and friends to His judgements which are everyday. Carol Ann has lived in BC since 1977, paid insurance premiums in good faith to ICBC as well, as her family in good faith to other Canadians and Americans. Sometimes, payments were paid one year in advance vs monthly payments to her knowledge and she has a clean abstract. Understanding, how dirty ICBC can be and God does have a mean side. He can administer Judgement and be unemotional. Carol Ann's recommendation and advise is for one to put God first. Always do what is right and give it your best. Put everything into His hands when there's problems and hopefully, God can intervene through people properly doing what is right. There is a saying, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." One needs to secure professional, competent lawyer(s) who are not intimidated by ICBC and/or The Supreme Court Judges. ICBC is not fair nor do their lawyers compensate people to the damages that lawyers are suppose to be all knowing of and receive for their clients.
Everyone is entitled to Damages and COI which is Court Order Interest at prime rate compounded daily from the date the injuries occurred to the date of judgement. It is unfortunate, how many people will not get a second chance. They will be liable and accountable especially, on the other side in Heaven where Final Judgement(s) are dealt with, once and for all. Of those involved it is Fraud and Injustice, Breach of The Insurance Act, etc dismissing the claim and it has caused more suffering and complications with her health. Eventually, it will be the root cause of her death one day.
Art collectors, serious art collectors at that, like to know the facts and particulars to the history of an artist and their art. It is for those reasons she has disclosed some of the Legal, Political facts and particulars. Numerous artists have been an inspiration for her to paint and she is needing a studio, etc. There were artist(s) who lived through times of injustice, battles, wars some more than others; Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Paul Nash, Amedeo Modigliani, Marsden Hartley, Howard Hodgkin and others. Is that what separates the artwork of an artist from others making their art valuable after their death? One cannot solely, rely on one's talent or ability.
Deuteronomy 27:19 Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from....
Isaiah 10:2 To deprive the poor of their rights....
Romans 12:9 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, " Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
The Hand of the Lord gives and receives as do the Lords, the Court that giveth and taketh
To this day, I am in need of Legal Representation or Ex-Juris Representation to have the claim processed, properly under ICBC. Accident Benefits Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B honoring, respecting The Insurance Act, one's rights, equality.
Filed within the limitation periods with ICBC and the Supreme Court, In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry before Honourable Judges.
ICBC breached The Insurance Act dismissing my Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B over money, productive achievement bonuses. It is Criminal A-Y Including Fraud to exaggerated details in writing by ICBC and verbal of an insurance man and Bad Faith.
The accident happened in Coquitlam, BC NOT Vancouver, BC, NOT on the premises of American Cartage Agencies, Langley, BC. RCMP Coquitlam Police attended Coquitlam Jurisdiction not Vancouver, North Vancouver or Langley. There is going to be bad Karma and spiritual consequences because of the injustice, no compassion.
Filed within the limitation periods with ICBC and the Supreme Court, In The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Vancouver Registry before Honourable Judges.
ICBC breached The Insurance Act dismissing my Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7 and Tort B over money, productive achievement bonuses. It is Criminal A-Y Including Fraud to exaggerated details in writing by ICBC and verbal of an insurance man and Bad Faith.
The accident happened in Coquitlam, BC NOT Vancouver, BC, NOT on the premises of American Cartage Agencies, Langley, BC. RCMP Coquitlam Police attended Coquitlam Jurisdiction not Vancouver, North Vancouver or Langley. There is going to be bad Karma and spiritual consequences because of the injustice, no compassion.
A specialist recently in June 2017 told Carol Ann that a Crushed Nasal Cartilage is a broken nose. Due to ICBC being intentionally negligent, Carol Ann has been left to suffer to her death due to the Government of Canada and others involved especially, ICBC dismissing her claim when Accident Benefits are there for a reason. They breached the Insurance Act violating her Rights breaching Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. It is abusive, cruel mistreatment and is torture, criminal. People have insurance for a reason also so that, those injured are helped, treated and have all their needs met. It is Fraud, all sections and is the entire Criminal Code of Canada A-Y.
Carol Ann recalls having nose bleeds well into and after 2002 from the injury and to date, there is an obstruction in the left nasal. She has and has seen many dentists, specialists to an orthodontist. One appointment steel wires like a hat was put over her head to teeth impressions. It was very painful to her crying due to neck, chest and face injuries and now pressure to the length of time she had to wear it, be still to the position to impressions. Not sure what years these above pics were. Pic 1. EEG, slight cut on my forehead and she did have bruising around her eye after the injury. Pic 2. Top Right, Daughter and Carol Ann (approx. 2008) Pic 2 was one of her better pictures due to Facial Trauma from the ACCIDENT. Pic 3. Lower Right, her Grandson and their Cat. What if her daughter had been with her or her grandson or her carrying her granddaughter to her other children with her the day of the accident on January 20, 2001? She had an appointment for January 11, 2017 at 230pm and the Trial Lawyer failed to reschedule the appointment or show up. She saw a lawyer in his place representing him and his Law firm and recalled, telling the lawyer, 'that I cannot hang up my injuries (numerous) like clothes." The lawyer responded, “I know that." She went on about Malpractice, mentioned AN ERROR. It was NO ERROR for the doctors at ICBC to dismiss my numerous injuries. Carol Ann told her, “I don't recall, have no recollection of how I got to the hospital. Another time, Carol Ann was rushed to the hospital and remembers the paramedic stating, “Go faster, I don't know if she'll make it." Carol Ann wrote that on the paper they gave her to fill out, the paper that they wanted her to fill in her medical and social insurance number which is pressuring her, breaching The Privacy Act. She could not remember her medical number. They asked for her date of birth, filled that in and left her social insurance blank, empty. Was she discriminated over age? Most likely. They all breached the Canadian Charter of Human Rights, The Insurance Act, The Privacy Act, Policies, Legislations, etc. It was also False Advertising because they represent people with ICBC Claims and Carol Ann has a Claim K______. Once ICBC assign and start processing one's claim with a claim number K_______ in her case, they will then ask for one's medical number but no social insurance number of what she recalls. That information was disclosed to ICBC. The way the lawyers form was, one can search one's medical and government records with the social insurance and medical numbers provided which is infringement of one's rights and a breaching The Privacy Act all of which is irrelevant to the date of one's injury, claim and representation. You cannot refuse a client. In fact, by one doing so, they can pick and choose their clients. Picking and choosing their clients to the potential clients who did or did not provide them with the information they wanted is not ethical especially, by pressure, force. If you don't fill in the information, I guess they will not represent you as in refusing representation. The firm represents pedestrian injuries, breast injury, etc. and knows about Accident Benefits, The Insurance Act as do all lawyers. Carol Ann told the lawyer," I hope I don't have breast cancer but you could have breast cancer and if you get into an accident you will not be covered by ICBC." Lawyer said," I know” She went on about how its law and a business. (Female Lawyer) Sandra told Carol Ann that they would not represent her, that she doesn't have a case as best recalled. She recalls, telling her 'why don't we let (Male Lawyer) Marc make his own reasons for judgement and go over your head and every other lawyers head who won't help me like the surgeon I have who is going over every surgeon's head and will be doing surgery on me (this year)." Carol Ann also mentioned how serious, the injuries have been especially the chest wall injury, chest wall trauma. No compassion, at all. That ended the meeting. A lawyer cannot do as they wish. They must represent people like a doctor to healthcare, Medicare. They cannot pick and choose who they want to help or the cases they will represent especially, based on business. (Vicarious Liability, Unconscionable, Deceptive, False Advertising) Neither Lawyer nor his Law firm will represent the case or Carol Ann. As best recalled, she was told by the lawyer, “You’re being challenged, we're challenging you. The lawyer blamed Carol Ann which has upset her lot, more damages. She was now being blamed for the accident by the lawyer 99% well; maybe 1% she wasn't to blame. No one has ever blamed her, not even ICBC to her knowledge. Carol Ann was and is 100% innocent. The sideway is also a pedestrian's right of way and the ownership of the equipment is known and insured by ICBC. This legal matter is NOT for unprofessional lawyers, legal aid lawyers or article students. It is serious as is her Life and family. It has affected them all to others who care. Lawyers CANNOT be JUDGE or JURY and CANNOT refuse a person as law is like healthcare. It is based on first come first served like a walk in clinic. Received an email from the law firm and upon his return to the office they both decided to not represent her and sent their decision to her by email. Another email followed shortly after to Carol Ann being threatened, uttered threats to her. The lawyer she had the meeting with in place of the lawyer that did not keep the appointment or inform her that he would not be there also, failed professionalism to reschedule. During that meeting, Carol Ann was told, "You’re being challenged, we're challenging you." The lawyer continued to blame, falsely accuse Carol Ann which has upset her lot, more damages. The Courts are Judge and Jury not some lawyers. What they are doing is provoking, criminal and they are challenging God, The Spirit Family, The Universe, The RCMP, Crown and The Supreme Court Honourable Judges and maybe, the government but not Carol Ann. Kaz Law Firm judged and juried Carol Ann when she has injuries, numerous injuries and has reasonable grounds and cause. They know that one has to be accountable, responsible and liable for the way one drives and parks a vehicle(s) and/or equipment and to the owner's ownership one has insurance for a reason to Accident Benefits. They are not stupid, ignorant and have no compassion but not stupid knowing of the law, Insurance Act and other acts.
Carol Ann met a lawyer years ago who's client was hit by a parked truck but it was parked properly therefore the owner's ownership to ICBC there were Accident Benefits and that person injured was 100% at fault. The driver of the parked equipment was not held negligent, the driver who parked the equipment properly was 100% innocent. The equipment was parked properly.
In Carol Ann's ICBC case, the equipment was NOT parked properly and THE OWNER'S OWNERSHIP is 100% negligent to ICBC being 100% negligent for breaching the Insurance Act and not processing the claim for her Accident Benefits, Tort A Part 7 and Tort B.
Carol Ann's family background has been Liberal, a family member who was lawyer, politician and served as Attorney General, Senator, Cabinet Minister in Ottawa, Ontario The Honourable Mr. Louis Robichaud, Premier of New Brunswick, now deceased. He was awarded The Order of Canada, the highest level of distinction in the Canadian Honours System and was Chairman of International Joint Commission (Boundary Waters Treaty). Her family voted Liberal for years and as far back as her mother recalls, her father and mother voted Liberal. Having the right people in leadership matters. The Liberal party is looking more like a liability where Canadians will benefit greatly, regarding injustices. Canadians have rights of all status and income including the wealthy. Liberal supporters who donated and/or voted have been and are being deceived. It is poor Leadership of BC Liberal Premier, Christy Clark therefore; matters were submitted to Liberal, Prime Minister Mr. Justin P. Trudeau, Ottawa, Ontario on February 3, 2017. As of April 3, 2017 there has been no reply to her written request addressed to have the claim processed, properly.
Carol Ann has been forced to keep suffering, lacking needs, her rights to Accident Benefits through ICBC and other issues. They have all forced her to suffer, challenged her and are forcing her to represent herself in Court knowing of her numerous injuries, disability. Her mother stated years ago, "You proved yourself Carol Ann." It is immature, evil, and unprofessional, of malice character and criminal A-Y including torture. It is not a crime or defamatory against anyone to report someone in Canada and recently, she received an email clearly accusing her falsely to written uttered, uttering threats against her.
The Accident would probably NOT have been dismissed by ICBC, their Lawyers and Doctors to other Lawyers (all years that she has reached out for help) had her status been Gay, Muslim or a Refugee, etc. she would have been respected and helped. It is not a crime to be divorced, have disability, etc. and although, her marital status is also divorced to others like BC Premier Christy Clark, Carol Ann is a good woman and has a family, children and grandchildren. She never had an affair with anyone's husband especially ICBC, FMEP, BC Human Rights or BC Liberal Premier, Christy Clark's ex-husband. A painting (Gallery Room 9) in 2013 titled Bedsheets, 1922 aka Corporate Bedsheets, 1922 was retitled for a reason, office affairs.
As to a child's age, everyone usually is more compassionate to a child and yet, Carol Ann is a child of God. It is injustice, criminal negligence and discrimination of age, religion, marital status, etc. It is God's Battle, His War! When a man's heart is insincere, when a man has no intention to change his or her ways, when a man chooses to not do the right thing and help another, etc. Spirit sees, He is no Fool. God forgives and forgets so that, He can move forward after He has administrated blessings, consequences and curses onto a man's life male or female of any age. It is for His Glory not mankinds. He has 100% Majority, All Power and Authority over spirit and flesh over every human being to do as He chooses and every man, male or female is entitled to Justice and a Fair Trial. The Lord gives and takes as do the Honourable Lords of what pleases the Courts, the Courts give and take.
To those reading, if this gives you some hope just remember: all we are is just people (which includes every human being in this world) at the beginning and close of everyday to our time spent wisely on this earth, a testing ground for Spirit's Glory. This life on earth is precious and temporary, we are expected to help and be kind to one another. No one has supernatural powers and authority over God who is Spirit regardless of one's title, gender, income, religion or status especially those in government with employment to leadership titles responsible and accountable to meet people's needs properly making it a better world for all including, Canadians. God, Spirit is not finished with anyone of us. The importance of knowing God is that, everyone in this world has family who has passed on. Her Dad (deceased) was a good man, corporate, active in a fraternal organization, an elite group knighted serving God to helping others in the church, community and extending communities. Our loved ones who are deceased like her dad, grandfather and others have a say in the matter like angels documenting, answerable to God. An example: someone else who is deceased like Pierre Trudeau who was once Prime Minister to anyone's deceased family members and friends including Christy Clark's loved one's saying, "whose daughter is she and angels responding, Paul's daughter." Recalling her Dad saying, “that’s my Carol Ann and it's going to be over my dead body," and he's alive in spirit. They were exceptionally close, so close that as a child my mother used to say, “As, a child Carol Ann would worship, kiss the ground her Dad walked on." Carol Ann's Dad was also a volunteer for The Amputee's of Canada and personally met Terry Fox to giving medals. Her ex father-in law (deceased) used to say, "oh, the sins of my father " (speaking of his father) and "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," and he served, fought in WW11 and they were very close. Her mother-in law (deceased) used to say, (Carol Ann) “You just came into the house like Elijah, a wind whirl" and they were closer as a result of that. Carol Ann's mother is also a good woman, dedicated, devoted, very devoted to prayer. Romans 12:12 The mercies of God call us to be devoted to prayer and they are close to recalling her stating, “Mark my words."
24 HOURS PAPER, April 18, 2017 NEWS Page 5 / Bill Tieleman, News, Views and Attitudes states: " B.C. Liberals are dedicated to establishing a new era of health care in B.C...We are going to put people's needs at the centre of health care again." B.C. Liberal Party platform, 2001. That is a, " BARE FACED LIBERAL LIE, LIARS, THEY LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH." She is still in need of her Accident Benefits.
It is serious and criminal. It is also a breach of The Insurance Act, Medicare Act, Human Rights Act and Infringement of Rights to False Advertising, Lies (Fraud) by ICBC and Liberal Party. No one is allowed to dismiss Chest Wall Trauma, Chest Wall Injuries for any reason nor is one allowed to refuse representation to anyone like a walk in clinic or having an appointment to a doctor, a lawyer. No one is allowed to be Judge or Jury nor do they have power and authority over Honourable Judges within the Courts therefore, it is also Malpractice and Legal Malpratice. As of April 18, 2017 no one has processed her ICBC Claim K___properly, and has left her still suffering with all intent to her death. It is criminal negligence with intent to cause bodily harm.
There are judgements every day for a reason and still yet, a final judgement in the heavens with God, thank God! It's important to have Favor with God, Carol Ann says. No one is exempt of God's decisions and judgements, blessings, consequences and curses including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family, the Liberal Party especially, those involved like BC Premier Christy Clark and others involved who intentionally, are being ignorant and negligent regardless, of ages. They are Not God nor are their families, friends or children. That is God, The Spirit Family, The Universe and The Honourable Courts business.
For those who have accidents claims with ICBC Legal is a benefit covered under Accident Benefits which also includes contingency representation. The percentage amount or fees need to be billed with an invoice to ICBC by the Lawyer and/or the Law Firm. If the Lawyer and his or her client goes to Trial, The Courts need to be provided, advised with proper documentation outlining separately, Legal Fees to be absorbed by ICBC, Damages plus Court Order Interest Rates (COI). Court Order Interest Rates is Prime Rate compounded every 6 months from the date the damages (the accident) occured to the date of judgement (the day you settle). In the end, the Lawyer and client still get paid, compensated but through the Courts like the client through ICBC. Accident Benefits; Tort A, Part 7, Tort B and COI belongs to those who are injured NOT the Lawyer or Law Firm representing the person, NOT ICBC employees, doctors, lawyers or others involved committing MISREPRESENTATION OF FUNDS, FRAUD, etc.
If ICBC fails to do what is right and dismisses other claims like mine, one is still entitled to Legal Representation outside of dealing with ICBC, and go to Trial In The Supreme Court before The Honourable Judges. When a Lawyer refuses to assist, it is documented.
To this day, April 20, 2017 Carol Ann is still in need of Accident Benefits and Legal Representation. If ICBC and those in government leadership still fail to do what is right and process the claim she is still entitled to Legal Representation by a professional, competent Lawyer and/or Law Firm and is willing to go to Trial In The Supreme Court of British Columbia. It is not too late for that, if Carol Ann dies as a result of negligence of those involved it will be too late.